It’s all part of a new complex that includes The Outernet, a digital project with state-of-the-art screens, really big ones, that they’re calling ‘the first worldwide network of immersive city-centre entertainment districts, a new portal into culture and commerce.’ Phew, right? Still a work in progress, there will eventually be event spaces, clubbing, music… There’s already a restaurant called Tattu across the road, which is Chinese and quite hot right now, but nothing – nothing, you hear? – to do with the hotel. For breakfast, you can get your BTLR to get you something. He can even do your Sainsbury’s shop while he’s at it if you want.

In a world of beige hotels, it’s actually quite exciting to stay somewhere they’ve let their imagination run wild, even if it is quite easy to take the Mick at times. And there is something definitely quite sexy about the extreme hi-spec of the place with devil-embroidered dark dressing gowns, monogrammed slippers and that music that you’re encouraged to turn up to 11. I just don’t think they were expecting it to be Love To Love You Baby by Donna Summer.