
FSU Pride Student Union’s drag show draws crowd – FSView & Florida Flambeau

Ash Soto and the performing drag queens at PSU and CDU's drag show.

Students had to be turned away at the doors of the ASLC last Saturday night as lines were backed up to the Health and Wellness Center. While Club Downunder’s (CDU) events always bring in a crowd, their bi-annual Drag Show with the Pride Student Union is arguably one of their biggest hits each semester. This year’s was certainly not an exception as students showed up hours in advance just to secure a seat. 

“I checked people in before they took their seats, and I was amazed at how many people came to watch the show,” said Josie Puleo, one of the Membership Coordinators on the executive board for the Pride Student Union. “Even when the theater was at capacity, we still had a line of people waiting to see the show. Seeing people line up hours before the doors even opened made my heart so happy, but made me so nervous to speak in front of everyone.” 

Since late June, both CDU and the Pride Student Union have been putting in the work to bring this show to life, including booking the venue and performers, advertising to the student body and preparing for all the performers’ and students’ needs to be met. 

“I didn’t realize that there was going to be so much hype surrounding the event and that so many people were going to want to go,” said junior audience member Macy Crum. “I’m very happy that I got to see it and that my friends, and I actually got the very last row in the back. We got to see the performers enter so that was really cool.” 

The show featured multiple performances from four drag queens: Da’raiyah Amore Avionce, Vashai Avionce, Destiny Iman and Hassan Dickerson. Along with performing a few songs, Vashai served as host for the evening.

In between songs, student leaders from PSU took the stage to provide brief history lessons, talk about their mission and announce upcoming events. “The atmosphere of the show was lively and exciting,” added Puleo. “Once I got up there, I realized that there is a very strong pride community here at FSU and you could feel that energy throughout the show.” 

FSU’s Pride Student Union is the university’s oldest and most prominent LGBTQ+ organization and is one of seven identity-based agencies on campus. Their mission is to advocate for and provide a safe space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and all queer people at FSU and in the Tallahassee community. 

“Our organization has been here since following the Stonewall Riots in June of 1969,” said Ash Soto, a music major and Executive Director of the PSU. “Nothing and no one can get rid of us forever on this campus. We are here to stay forever.” 

The organization hosts monthly general body meetings along with events throughout the semester. Their first general body meeting will be Sept. 20 in the Student Services Building. The organization also has a panel event on Sept. 20 at the Globe with members of Teach for America. Additionally, their Pride Month Opening event will also be held in the Globe on Oct. 3. 

“We hope to connect more with FAMU, TCC and the Tallahassee community throughout the year and plan events with them in the near future so that we can encourage our students to help our community partners,” added Soto.  

Check out more events and information on the PSU’s Instagram page @pridefsu. If interested in attending the next drag show, be prepared ahead of time.