• America is full of thriving LGBTQ communities.
  • New Orleans, Austin, and Tampa have been named some of the best cities for gay dating, according to a new survey.
  • Here are 16 of the best places for gay dating, based on factors including the number of single people in the gay community, bars per 100,000 people, and the cost of a single drink.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

Same-sex marriage may be the law of the land, but before wedding bells chime, there’s the dating scene.

For all LGBT singles out there, it’s easier than ever to navigate a city’s gay community. According to a ranking compiled by gay-rights advocate Evan Goldstein (founder and CEO of medical practice Bespoke Surgical), some of the best cities for members of the LGBT community to make romantic connections include New Orleans, Austin, and Tampa.

The data was compiled by focusing on factors such as the percentage of single people; the size of the LGBT community; the Municipal Equality Index (MEI), which rates cities based on their equality in relation to the gay community and is compiled by civil rights organization the Human Rights Campaign; bars per 100,000 people; and the cost of a single drink. The total possible city score was 50.

Acceptance of LGBT relationships continue to be on the rise, according to the Pew Research Center. In 2004, only 31% of Americans were in favor of same-sex marriage; as of 2019, 61% are in favor.

These days, cities and towns across America boast thriving LGBT communities. Here are 16 of those cities with the best dating scene.