This week read about Gigi Gorgeous Getty coming out as pansexual, Sports Illustrated copy chief talking about her asexuality, and Samira Wiley and Lauren Morelli introducing their new daughter on Mother’s Day via social media.

Youtuber Gigi Gorgeous Comes Out as Pansexual

Transgender YouTuber Gigi Gorgeous Getty isn’t a stranger to the LGBT community. In fact, coming out as pansexual is the sensation’s fourth time coming out.

She came out as gay initially, before she realized she was transgender. Then, the YouTube star came out as gay again.

After doing some soul-searching with her significant other, Nats Getty, Gigi came out as pansexual.

“It was actually through my husband Nats that this kind of was unlocked inside of me,” she said in a YouTube video. “It’s always been there, this girl has always been inside of me, but it took this stage of my life really to open up, and I’m ready to share this with you guys.”

Nats recently came out as transgender and nonbinary.

“Over the years, I’ve realized that I didn’t fall in love with Nats because of his gender,” Gigi explained. “I fell in love with the person that he is. I just want to let everybody know that I am pansexual.”

First Mother’s Day as Mothers for OITNB Lesbian Couple


Samira Wiley and Lauren Morelli. Photo via Instagram.

Samira Wiley and Lauren Morelli, who both worked on Netflix series “Orange is the New Black,” introduced the world to their new daughter on Mother’s Day via Instagram.

“Four weeks ago today, our daughter came into the world and changed everything. We are so happy, so grateful, and so tired,” Morelli wrote on Instagram.

George Elizabeth was born on April 11, 2021, but Morelli and Wiley waited until Mother’s Day to break the news to their followers.

“Welcome to the world, babygirl. We love you and we thank you for giving us the best 1st Mother’s Day two ladies could ask for,” Wiley captioned her Instagram post of her daughter.

Fans of the couple left thousands of comments between the two posts celebrating the baby’s birth and wishing the couple a happy first Mother’s Day.

Sports Illustrated Copy Chief Speaks Out About Her Asexuality


Julie Kliegman. Photo via @jmkliegman, Twitter.

Julie Kliegman doesn’t hold back when it comes to writing about hard-hitting topics like mental health and personal identity. In fact, she came out as asexual after writing about asexual “BoJack Horseman” character Todd Chavez for The Ringer.

“Asexual people, it’s not that they lack a sex drive, but they aren’t sexually attracted to people, or they’re varying degrees of sexually attracted to people, but not in a way — I don’t want to say ‘typical person’ in this way — but a ‘typical person’ is,” Kliegman said on an Outsports podcast. “But that doesn’t make them any less human.”

Kliegman is not only asexual but also nonbinary. She didn’t always know it though — it took a long time for her to realize her identity.

“I think once you think about that long enough, you’re like, ‘Oh wait, cisgender people don’t really spend that much time thinking about this today,’” Kliegman said. “It’s not that I always rejected the label of ‘woman,’ but I always knew in the back of my head that it didn’t perfectly fit me either.”

Each week ‘Beyond the G’ looks at news featuring the many letters of our LGBTQIA+ spectrum.