Gov. Ron DeSantis pushed for new, "Stop Woke" restrictions on how race is discussed in schools, universities and workplaces.

Florida’s ‘woke’ nightmare won’t end

Oh no! Racism and sexism exist and have adverse effects on people’s lives?

Oh no! Some things happened in American history other than lollipops and rainbows?

Oh no! Some of my neighbors are gay or transgender and it costs me nothing to show them basic human decency?

Oh no! A defeated former president isn’t above the law and might be prosecuted for multiple well-documented crimes?

Oh no! If I want to be a bigoted jerk instead of treating people kindly, others have the freedom of speech to … criticize me?!

This is horrible! How am I supposed to live in this woke hellscape? Gov. DeSantis, take me away!

Eric Grevstad, Bradenton

Hit-and-run drivers must be punished

There are far too many incidents in Sarasota where out-of-control drivers hit pedestrians and bicyclists, and one big reason may be the lack of significant penalties.

An example is the recent incident in Osprey where a 13-year-old girl died days after being struck by a hit-and-run driver. (“13-year-old girl succumbs to injuries 11 days after hit-and-run in Sarasota County,” Aug. 29)

Initially, the driver was only charged with offenses that carried trivial fine amounts – and he was actually released after posting an extremely low bond.

I moved to Florida from Connecticut in 2020, and one thing that really frustrates me is the near-total lack of enforcement of traffic and speed laws here.

If we’re not going to ticket dangerous drivers, we at least need to make them pay appropriately when they crash and hurt others.

David Towle, Sarasota

Climate change looms over Florida

The Herald-Tribune Editorial Board is correct to point out that discussing climate change is far more important than arguing over gender issues. (“Surprise us, Gov. DeSantis and Rep. Crist, and talk about Florida’s real issues.” Aug. 28)

The threat to Florida from sea level rise has been well-known for decades, and so far there has been only bad news about it. In fact, a 1958 episode of “The Bell Telephone Science Hour” – entitled “The Unchained Goddess” – warned that Florida was facing a future in which “tourists in glass-bottom boats would be viewing the drowned towers of Miami Beach.”

All other issues pale in importance when compared to a counterproductive – and one might say suicidal –vote for any candidate in Florida who is not dedicated to responding ambitiously to the climate crisis.

Trump’s sycophants are at it again 

Sen. Lindsey Graham said that if former President Donald Trump is prosecuted for mishandling secrets, there will be “riots in the streets.”

Unfortunately, Trump’s sycophants are good at making threats in order to distract from the truth and obstruct justice.

For his potentially criminal acts, lies, sedition and attempts to destroy honorable reputations and democratic government, Trump should be indicted, prosecuted and convicted. 

But Trump should not imprisoned – why make a martyr of him? Just let his name molder quietly on the ash heap of history. Let us move on to better people and better goals.

Juliette Muscat, Sarasota 

Ringling Bridge project won’t help bikers

After reading the Aug. 22 article, “FDOT adds bus/bike lane to Ringling Bridge; a separate bike lane is coming later on,” I had to ask myself this question: “How does this benefit anything?”

The bus lane ends at the end of Ringling Bridge, and the traffic doesn’t back up on the bridge anyway. The bus would have to merge back into traffic as soon as it gets off the bridge. That’s ridiculous!

It seems the only thing that repainting lane lines on the road would do is take away the bike lane from bicyclists. Who would want a bus looming behind them while biking?

I have biked that route before, and the only real improvement that needs to be made is to build a bike lane across the small bridge. Right now we have no bike path over that bridge, which leaves bicyclists risking their lives in heavy traffic.

It seems like these planners haven’t been on a bike lately.

Nick Burgart, Sarasota