(Image: Julius Drost/Unsplash.com)

Liberalism and Religion – “The Notre Dame Law Review hosted its second symposium of the academic year on November 11 in Biolchini Hall of Law. [The symposium] revolved around the theme of ‘Liberalism, Christianity, and Constitutionalism.’” Notre Dame Law Review hosts symposium on ‘Liberalism, Christianity, and Constitutionalism’ (The Law School at Notre Dame)

The Continental Stage – “Voices supportive of Church teaching are not being given adequate exposure.” Who Is Managing the Synod on Synodality? (National Catholic Register)

Liturgical Symbolism – “The venerable tradition of celebrating the liturgy toward the east (ad orientem) is symbolically and theologically more in keeping with the nature of the liturgy as a cosmic and eschatological sacrifice of Christ the high priest.” People, Look East (Crisis)

Moscow and Beijing – “In a new interview with the Jesuit-sponsored America magazine, Pope Francis defended himself against charges that’s been excessively silent on both Russia and China . . . ” Russian reaction to new interview illustrates logic for papal ‘silence’ (Crux)

Midwife of Science – “[I]t is altogether inappropriate for the Church to judge the scientific merit of theories and hypotheses.  . . . the Church should not incorporate the results of science (which can change) into Catholic teaching.” Catholic Guidelines for Science Part I (Catholic Exchange) 

Postwar Tyranny – “As early as 1970, the Italian Catholic philosopher Augusto Del Noce warned of a new kind of tyranny developing in the postwar culture of Western nations.” How to Resist the New Totalitarianism (First Things)

Four Types of Theology – “By no lesser authority than Thomas Aquinas, theology has been called the queen of the sciences. Why did the angelic doctor think this to be the case, and what exactly is theology?” On Theology (Patheos – Summa Catholic)

Political Bullies – “The so-called Respect for Marriage Act has pushed the issue of gay marriage back into the spotlight and, with it, the slogan ‘The right side of history.’” The Lord of History (The Catholic Thing)

Evidence for Agnostics  – “What is the meaning of life?  Or, to frame it in a more skeptical and agnostic fashion: Is there any meaning to life?” Meaning and Moral Matters (Catholic Exchange)

Letter to the Gazette – “Catholics do not oppose abortion for religious reasons. . . . In fact, Catholic claims about abortion — and many other moral questions — are founded on natural law reasoning.” Father Ryan Sliwa: Catholic thinking on abortion (Daily Hampshire Gazette)

Follow-Up Letter – “Survey after survey shows that the attitude of Catholics on this topic is very like that of the American mainstream, i.e. a majority is in favor of legal abortion, at least in most cases.” On Catholics and abortion (Daily Hampshire Gazette)

(*The posting of any particular news item or essay is not an endorsement of the content and perspective of said news item or essay.)

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