
Even in paradise, some rain must fall – GAY TIMES – Gay Times Magazine

Our first meal, for instance, was in the main restaurant, which is just through the library (we actually got work done!) and open to the pool and then the sea. But that was just one of 12 ‘concepts’, meaning even if you’re here for a fortnight, you can still change it up every evening. Chinese (our favourite), vegan (good on them), a Greek beach restaurant, a Japanese/Nordic fusion restaurant, the Fari Beach Club for pre- or post-drinks or a light French dinner right on the sand, Brasa for those meat moments…

You can even just grab a free gelato (including vegan!) or a burger from their retro food truck. Oh and don’t forget Veli Bar for pizza and burgers and a happy hour with your feet in the sand, while there are wine and cheese options, Lebanese… And all the locations are so beautiful in every detail, up to and including the food. The breakfast buffet, by the way, is world-leading.