To the editor:
Dear Flag Thief and Compliant Bystander:
We don’t know you and I doubt you know who we are or all that we stand for. The Episcopal Church combines the beautiful ceremonies of Christ’s Church with a strong belief in equality, social justice and caring for the Earth. It was Queen Elizabeth I of England, who brought together the structure of our church based on the idea that it was not her place, as the leader of the church, to make a window into man’s soul for only God can judge us.
That sentiment and the openness of the Episcopal Church is why I attend services at St. James where all people are welcome regardless of church affiliation or lack thereof.
As an Episcopalian, I work hard to view others without prejudice and to be inclusive in my thoughts and actions knowing that my perspective is only one way of viewing the world not the only way. The Episcopal Church has been a leader in equality allowing women clergy since 1974, advocating for queer rights since 1976, electing the first openly gay bishop in 2003 and the first female bishop in 2006.
We proudly fly the Rainbow Flag in our church and starting in 2019 began flying one outside our church to support our LGBTQ+ community.
Our church congregation is very small but we believe that two or three people is all it takes to make a difference and that when we gather in God’s name He is with us. The recognition and support of all human life is important enough to us to keep replacing the flag and so far, we have spent over $200 replacing stolen flags. This time I reached out to our local PFLAG organization who generously gave us another flag to fly. Thank you PFLAG for all you do.
Now that you know a little more about our church and what we stand for I ask you to allow our symbol of acceptance to fly undisturbed and to look inwardly at your thoughts and actions for it is God that will judge you in the end not us.
BC Franson