
Edward Carpenter: The story behind Sussex’s pioneering gay rights activist – Sussex Live

Edward Carpenter is not a name that many will be familiar with today. But his place in history is keenly remembered for some of his early work as an activist.

Carpenter was born in Hove in 1844 and went on to become a prominent poet, utopian socialist, and philosopher. However, he was also renowned for being an early gay rights activist.

Carpenter was openly gay and lived with his partner for many years. This was despite the fact that it was illegal to be homosexual in the UK until 1967.

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Edward Carpenter was born in Brunswick Square, Hove, in 1844. His dad was the governor of Brighton College, the school he would later attend.

Noted for his academic talent, Carpenter would go on to study at Cambridge University where he would begin to form some of his views on society. It was also during his time at university that he is said to have begun displaying feelings for men.

He would later spend several years working for the church before becoming dissatisfied with church life and embracing a new love for poetry. He later moved up north and spent many years living in Sheffield where much of his important writing took place.

At a time when it was both looked down upon and illegal to display homosexual views, Carpenter began living with his partner George Merrill in 1898 having been together since 1891. Merrill was a working class man with little education with the couple’s relationship highlighting Carpenter’s views that love can help traverse class divisions.

Edward Carpenter was openly gay more than half a century before it was legal
Edward Carpenter was openly gay more than half a century before it was legal

Whilst living with Merrill, Carpenter wrote a multitude of books on the issues of gay rights in Victorian society and beyond. In 1894 he wrote the book Homogenic Love and Its Place in Free Society which sought to bring about reform to the laws surrounding homosexuality.

Many of his works made the case that same-sex attraction was a normal and natural occurrence at a time when most in society thought otherwise. His 1908 book The Intermediate Sex further expanded upon his views of homosexuality and LGBT rights in society.

As well as his pioneering writing on LGBT issues, he also wrote about women’s rights, a struggle which he likened to LGBT rights in that it was often the straight, white male which ruled much of society at that time. Carpenter also called for socialism, prison reform, reduction in pollution levels and also had views on vegetarianism, all of which were very ahead of their time.

Carpenter, who advocated for the ‘simplification of life’ and lived the life that he espoused, died in his final home in Guildford in 1929. He has since been honoured in Sheffield, where he lived for much of his life, whilst a blue plaque adorns the wall of his former house on Brunswick Square where he was born all those years ago.

Many of his works were later embraced by various revolutionary groups of the 1960s and 70s with his early views on the LGBTQ+ community now fondly remembered. He has since gone on to be called the “gay godfather of the British left.”

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