Eddie Redmayne caused considerable controversy back in 2015 when he was cast as a transgender woman in The Danish Girl. The film, based on the novel by David Ebershoff, was a fictionalized account of the true story of Lili Elbe, one of the first trans women to undergo gender reassignment story. Redmayne was nominated for an Oscar for his performance in the movie, but has said that if he were offered the role now, he would make a very different decision.

“I wouldn’t take it on now,” he said. “I made the film with the best intentions, but I think it was a mistake.” He made the comments in an interview with the Sunday Times in the United Kingdom, while speaking about inclusion and representation for marginalized identities in the arts, specifically in the context of his current role as the Emcee in Cabaret in London.

“The bigger discussion about the frustrations around casting is because many people don’t have a chair at the table,” he added. “There must be a levelling, otherwise we are going to carry on having these debates.”

The Danish Girl faced criticism from a number of trans activists upon its release, and was referenced in the recent Netflix documentary Disclosure, which explored how trans representation in media affects the way trans people are treated in real life.

“Having cis men play trans women is, in my mind, a direct link to the violence against trans women,” said actress Jen Richards in the documentary. “And in my mind, part of the reason that men end up killing trans women out of fear that other men will think that they’re gay for having been with trans women, is that the friends, the men whose judgment they fear, only know trans women from media, and the people who are playing trans women are the men that they know.”

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“When someone like Eddie Redmayne, who admittedly might really give a great performance as a trans woman… What’s remarkable about his performance is the transness, is the way that he has been able to manifest those feminine parts of himself into a convincing trans performance,” she continued. “But it reduces that person, who was in this case a real person, to a performance of transness, to a performance of femininity, rather than as a whole person, of whom transness is one aspect.”

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