BAYOU VISTA — Dr. Gaynell Reeves “Gay” passed away peacefully at her home in Bayou Vista, Texas at the age of 84.
Gay Reeves is survived by her son, Michael A. Nowlin of Bayou Vista, TX and her two wonderful granddaughters Michelle Renshaw and Amanda Nowlin both of Jacksonville, Florida. She is preceded in passing by her beautiful daughter Cynthia R. Nowlin of Galveston, Texas.
Gay was born on February 21st, 1937 in Mathiston, Mississippi to Vardaman and Estelle Griffin. Gay Reeves graduated Mathiston High School in 1955. She later earned a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing at Mississippi University for Women in Columbus. She went on to earn a Master’s degree of Science degree in Nursing at the University of Alabama and earned her PHD in Education at Mississippi State University.
My Mother achieved great success in several fields, but especially in nursing and nursing administration in Florida, Mississippi and Texas where she was the Director of Nursing until her retirement from the College of the Mainland. Gay served in numerous capacities outside her career including churches and various civil duties. One important capacity was serving as an Alderman for the City of Bayou Vista, Texas from 2009-2013.
She married her high school sweetheart Harry B. Nowlin, also of Mathiston, MS. They discovered the hidden paradise of Fort Walton Beach and Destin, Florida early in their marriage. Ultimately they moved to the area to work at Eglin Airforce Base and raised their family at nearby Shalimar, FL. Her family loves and remembers this place fondly. She was later remarried to Bill Reeves of Vernon, Alabama and lived there until his untimely passing.
A “Celebration of Life” Memorial Service has been scheduled for 3:00 pm. July 11th, 2021 at the Galveston County Municipal Utility District #12 Building-Reception Hall at 2929 Hwy. 6, Bayou Vista, TX. 77563. Dr. Robert Miller, Pastor of Dr. Reeves’ Church, First Baptist Church of Texas City, will officiate the ceremony. Dr. Reeves requested that in lieu of flowers that donations be sent to her favorite cause the Dr. Gay Reeves Memorial LVN Scholarship Fund at the College of the Mainland. Donations made be made online visiting https://www.com.edu/giving (Specify Dr. Gay Reeves Memorial LVN Scholarship in notes) or mailed payable to COM Foundation, 1200 Amburn Rd, Texas City, TX 77591 (Specify Dr. Gay Reeves Memorial LVN Scholarship in notes).