Why do so many gay men think it’s sexy to scowl? How many times have you checked out the photos on dating apps, only to be confronted by moody stares or blank expressions? In fact, are you smiling in your dating app profile pic?
When pressed, most people would probably just respond that they don’t like their smile … but are there deeper reasons?
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That question is addressed with humor in the latest satirical video from YouTube comic Michael Henry.
Henry is out in the park with two friends when he asks them why gay men so often appear to never smile in their photos.
“Gay men want to look fuckable at all times,” says one. “And mysterious,” says the other, adding, “I like it when a guy looks like he’s about to fight someone.”
They go on to discuss whether smiling is seen as “feminine” and not “tough”, and assure Michael he’ll “double the amount of dick” if he stops smiling in photos.
Check the video below to see what happens next.
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In case anyone misses the satire in the content, please know that smiling usually makes you look way more approachable and friendly. And yet, so often we think looking moody will win us more attention.
Many commentators thanked Michael for shining a light on the issue.
“It’s a turn-off of mine to see guys who look mad or have a bad attitude in their pics. Which is why I found guys who smile in their pics way more attractive,” said one.
Another added, “I’m 31, I don’t have any more time for bad-boy bullshit. It’s not cute anymore, it’s toxic. Why would you want someone angry, and brooding, moody and emotionally unavailable? I want a guy who can smile and enjoy life and be happy.”
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