Wait times, letting patients sleep, debt, etc.
Recently, doctor-activist and MD @DrBryanLeyva asked people, “What should we denormalize in healthcare?” Doctors, nurses, medical staff, and lay people came through with some pretty spot-on examples of what needs to be denormalized in health care.
Here’s what they said:
1. The perception/name of “birth control”:
3. Healthcare worker burnout:
6. Explaining medical issues in clinical jargon:
7. Fatphobia:
8. This list:
10. Debilitating period pain:
11. Discharging patients with inadequate wound supplies:
13. Dismissing chronic pain:
14. Not listening to Black patients:
15. Having the patient undress BEFORE talking to them:
16. And lastly, when patients can’t pay their bills and have to go into:
Did they miss anything? Let me know in the comments below!
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