David DeLoach is remembered this week for his love for his Lord, his family, his community and local sports teams.
The longtime business, community and civic leader, died early Tuesday, July 27, in Jacksonville, Fla. He was 66.
Former Bears head baseball coach Greg Gay said DeLoach was a man of high moral character and integrity.
“David was the same person with every one he met — he was the same man he was at church as when he was on the ballfield with you or riding around with him in his pick-up truck. That’s a great compliment to him,” Gay said. “He was always helping people.”
Gay said DeLoach was a great family man, too.
“He loved Mrs. Terri and his kids. He was the epitome of what a father should be,” he said. “He held them accountable, but he was also their biggest supporter and helped them succeed.”
DeLoach was the owner of D&M Logging, co-owner of D&M International Sales and was affiliated with Yancey Trucks, Rush International and Pierce Timber.
Dwight Thornton was a longtime employee at D&M International.
“Mr. David hired me and he was just a good-hearted, kind man,” said Thornton.
Over their 19-year friendship, Thornton recalls with humor DeLoach’s driving skills and his care for his pecan orchard.
“He never had any wrecks that I know of, but he loved cutting corners on curves and jumping curbs,” said Thornton with a chuckle. “When you got in that GMC pick up with him, you got in and held on.”
Thornton recalls DeLoach loved tending his pecan orchard and blended that with helping Pierce County’s baseball players, including his own son, Brett.
“Mr. David had a batting cage out there in the orchard and marked off where the pecans were, but the boys drove through there anyway,” Thornton said. “Mr. David would come in shaking his head and saying ‘I know they are not passing their classes because they don’t listen.”
Thornton went on to say that DeLoach was a dedicated family man to his wife, Terri, and his children, Nikki, LeAnne and Brett, and loved his grandchildren.
He was a former chairman of the Pierce County Board of Education from 1986-1990 and was also a dedicated fan of local sports and a supporter of youth and recreation programs.
Longtime friend Loran Tuten Jr. said DeLoach’s giving spirit is what he will be most remembered for.
“He was a Godly man, a family man, a man of integrity. He served and supported his community and not just through athletics,” Tuten said. “We need lots more men like David DeLoach.”
A native and lifelong resident of Pierce County, DeLoach was a 1972 graduate of Patterson High School and attended the University of Georgia and Valdosta State University and earned a degree in business management.
DeLoach was a member of First Baptist Church of Blackshear.
His longtime pastor, the Rev. Dr. Bill Young, said David DeLoach was a faithful Christian.
“It has been said of Jesus “As He seemed to be He was” and that’s the way it was with David DeLoach. He seemed to be a quiet, compassionate, faithful, loving man and so he was,” said Young.
Funeral services for DeLoach were held at 3 p.m. Thursday, July 29, at First Baptist Church of Blackshear.
For a full obituary, please see page 3.