Singer David Archuleta said his feelings for other men left him feeling guilt and shame, and made him question both his faith and his desire to keep on living — but that he’s in therapy and learning to be “proud of being who you are.”
The Utah native, “American Idol” runner-up and devout Latter-day Saint appeared on ABC’s “Nightline” on Wednesday, and told reporter Steve Osunsami, “When I started feeling numb and empty, I was questioning everything. I was questioning my faith. I was questioning if God was real because I couldn’t feel anything. And here I’d done everything I can to try and be close to him.”
Archuleta recently posted online that he’s a member of the LGBTQ community, and that he’s still questioning his own sexuality. He said on “Nightline” that he’s “some form of being bisexual because … I’m still attracted to both. Whether I want to or not.” And, he added, “I’m starting to just accept and say — that’s just how it is.”
But it hasn’t been easy. According to Osunsami, Archuleta said “he had a difficult breakup with a girlfriend recently and realized that he may have been running away from his attraction to his same sex his whole life.”
This article is published through the Utah News Collaborative, a partnership of news organizations in Utah that aim to inform readers across the state. To read the full article, click here.