TEXARKANA, Ark. — Crossties Entertainment Venue has been in building mode almost since its inception, anchoring the downtown entertainment district. Don’t expect things to slow down anytime soon, its owners say.
As 2022 approaches, they’re looking ahead with a pocket full of plans, ambitions and additions.
They have added a speakeasy-like club.
“It is an amazing place, and you need an exclusive pass to access it,” said Less Munn, one of the owners. “It is an amazing place.”
The venue has other established bar areas as well as spaces that can be rented out for various events, such as weddings, dances, cornhole tournaments and more.
In December, the Eli Young Band is booked. Buckcherry plays Jan. 9. Frank Foster is scheduled, as is Lori Morgan in February.
Physical changes are in the works, as well.
“Up to this point, most of the development of the venue has been the interior,” Munn said. “We do have an outdoor venue, but this coming year, our focus really is going to shift to developing the exterior. We will be adding a big outdoor stage, pavilion, outdoor bathrooms, it is going to be great.”
Munn said the city has been instrumental in the progress.
“Allen Brown and Tyler Richardson with the City of Texarkana, Arkansas, have been central in helping to make all this happen,” he said.
Neither Crossties, the entertainment district or the related development happened by accident.
“Lots of work went into it,” said owner Justin Jones.”Downtown is changing dramatically. This is just something we can give to the community and help make it a place for the community, families, kids. We turned a furniture store into an awesome place. Bottom line.”
“We are very proud and thankful for the support from the city and the community,” said owner Joe Gay.
Other downtown businesses have noticed all the change — even a competitor.
“These guys have been one of the catalysts to downtown returning to life,” said David Jones of Hopkins Icehouse, just up the street a bit.
(Crossties Event Venue is located at 324 E. Broad St.)