
County DKG chapter holds April meeting with new members being inducted – Carolinacoastonline

MOREHEAD CITY — The Carteret County Gamma Zeta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International met April 8 at The History Museum of Carteret County.

The program, featuring three special ceremonies, began with a Celebration of Life for Amelia Garner Luther who impacted countless children’s lives during her 35 years of teaching in several schools throughout North Carolina.  

Amelia was the backbone of her family, a devout Christian dedicated to her church and a source of light to all who knew her.  Amelia’s son, Michael Ray Luther Jr., and wife, Toni, accepted a framed copy of “Crossing the Bar,” along with a white rose from her DKG sisters.

Jeffrie Holloway, June Vann, Lucy Bond and Bonnie Ferneau assisted in the ceremonial tribute to a sister who will live on in the hearts and minds of those fortunate enough to have known Amelia Luther.

The program continued with the induction of five new members:  Karen Bochnovic, Carteret Community College; Jenny Combs, Bridges School; Jill King, Bridges School; Dr. Tracy Mancini, president of Carteret Community College; and Tammy Schooley, East Carteret High School.  They were accompanied to the stage area by Thorn, Dr. Cathy Tomon, Gay Lea, Ferneau and Bond, respectively.

All new members were recognized as respected professionals in their communities willing to accept responsibility in the DKG organization. After pledging their loyalty and cooperation in fulfilling the society’s purpose, inductees signed the initiates’ book and were presented with a red rose.  The induction ceremony was concluded with those present singing the Delta Kappa Gamma Anthem.

Holloway, Ferneau, Jasa Ellis and Dr. Tomon helped with the ceremony. Barbara Hill and Martha Edwards assisted with the music.

The last part of the program, the Quinquennial Membership Ceremony, recognized those who had reached another 5-year milestone of membership in DKG.  Thorn and Ferneau presented a certificate and 20-year DKG pin to Bond and a certificate and 35-year pin to Gail Barnes.  Thorn presented a certificate and 50-year pin to Ferneau, the first member in the Carteret County chapter to receive the Golden Award.  Luther Jr. and Thorn generously donated the pins for the special recognitions.

During the short business meeting, Ferneau, chapter president, acknowledged Holloway’s hard work as membership committee chair and encouraged all members to serve on at least one committee as an avenue for personal involvement in DKG.  She also thanked Thorn for her award-winning work for the Gamma Zeta chapter.  Artworks from both Thorn and Debra Stinson have been selected by the International Fine Arts Gallery.

Dr. Tomon, the chapter first vice president, praised the 20 first- and second-year teachers participating in the Buzzing Bee Beginning Education Excelling Project.  

With no one in the class of 2021 applying for a teaching scholarship, members voted to award scholarship funds, $500 each to three deserving teacher assistants pursuing full teaching degrees:  Jessica O’Neal, Kimberly Michelle Ehrler and Erin Stuart.

Thorn, past chapter president, reminded the sisters that Amelia Luther will be mentioned at the state convention. Award nominees include: Barbara Hill, Founders Award; Alice Copes, Golden Key Award; Martha Edwards, Rising Star Award; and Kaitlyn Brewer, Beginning Teacher Award.

The next DKG meeting will be June 18 at 1 p.m. An executive board meeting is planned the same day at 11 a.m.  Members are invited to go on a Black History Bus Tour with Rev. Curtis Oden as a summer activity.  

The meeting ended with June Merrill passing the “Grow” gloves to Holloway in recognition of her warm, welcoming spirit, hard work as membership chair and attention to detail.  Holloway will pass the gloves to another DKG member at the June meeting.

To see about qualifications to join DKG, call Ferneau at 252-247-7435 or email  bonnievista@aol.com, or call Holloway at 252-240-3235 or email  ann.holloway8401@icloud.com.