
Conservative Group Calls For Boycott of Thor: Love and Thunder Because of ‘Blatant LGBTQ Content’ – Star Observer

American conservative group, One Million Moms is warning parents and calling for a boycott of Thor: Love and Thunder because of “blatant LGBTQ content.”


One Million Moms, in a statement released on July 13, asked their supporters to help “make sure as many people as possible are aware that Marvel Studios is pushing the LGBTQ agenda on families in their newest superhero movie.”

Rock Hand Sex

They then proceeded to list a sampling of the “blatant LGBTQ content.”

“The alien character named Korg mentions having two dads, and he has hand sex with another member of his species.

“The bisexual goddess, King Valkyrie, kisses another woman’s hand to show interest.

“An Asgardian kid insists on going by a gender-neutral name.

“And the gay romantic tension between Thor and Star-Lord is apparent but played off as a gag.”


Because of the “many LGBTQ innuendos and an abundance of euphemisms” and the entertainment industry’s attempt to “indoctrinate families with the LGBTQ agenda” One Million Moms is asking people to pledge not to see the “gay content” pushing movie. 

This obviously isn’t the first time this year that One Million Moms has called for a movie boycott.  In June they called on supporters to boycott Disney’s Lightyear because of Disney’s announcement that they would restore a previously cut lesbian kissing scene.

Thor: Love and Thunder is currently playing in cinemas.