Note: Companies in gray are climate tech. Data: CB Insights. Chart: Tory Lysik/Axios

Climate tech companies drove six of the top 10 deals in Q3 global venture capital.

Why it matters: VCs see green in this sector even as the economic headwinds gather speed.

Driving the news: CB Insights issued its latest global “State of Venture” report. Northvolt, a Swedish battery maker, led the list. Among the others:

  • TeraWatt, a San Francisco-based EV charging infrastructure company
  • TerraPower, a Washington-based nuclear energy developer backed by Bill Gates
  • Black Sesame, a China-based software developer whose products include vehicle-to-everything charging technology.

Of note: Within the climate-tech category, batteries, advanced nuclear energy, EVs, renewables, manufacturing and SaaS are attracting the most money, according to CB Insights.