World Gay News

Church of England won’t recognize gay marriage but will allow certain ceremonies – Catholic News Agency

Church of England leaders met with other members of the Anglican communion last summer at the Lambeth Conference, in which the hierarchy discussed questions related to sexuality and same-sex marriage. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, who is the senior bishop of the Church of England, concluded that the majority of the clergy affirms the teaching that marriage is between one man and one woman, though some members disagree.

However, the proposals would substantially change the Church of England’s pastoral approach for how it handles same-sex attraction and same-sex relationships. The proposals would add certain prayers that could be used in ceremonies to celebrate certain stages in their same-sex relationships, such as civil partnerships or legally recognized civil marriages.

The draft prayers would be optional for same-sex couples and optional for members of the clergy. The Church of England would also allow flexibility for the new prayers that would allow members of the clergy to use different combinations of prayers to reflect the diversity of thought on these issues within the church. The prayers would be known as “Prayers of Love and Faith.” The changes are partially based on feedback the Church of England received through its six-year-long Living in Love and Faith project, which sought to look into questions related to sexuality and marriage.

“I would like to thank all those across the Church of England who have participated in this deeply prayerful and theologically grounded process of discernment over the last six years,” Archbishop Welby said in a statement. “This response reflects the diversity of views in the Church of England on questions of sexuality, relationships, and marriage — I rejoice in that diversity and I welcome this way of reflecting it in the life of our church. I am under no illusions that what we are proposing today will appear to go too far for some and not nearly far enough for others, but it is my hope that what we have agreed will be received in a spirit of generosity, seeking the common good.”

The archbishop added that he hopes these changes would demonstrate that the Church of England believes that all Christians, especially those with same-sex attraction, are welcome and valued in the Body of Christ.

According to the announcement, the proposals are meant to “reaffirm a commitment to” the bishops’ call at the start of the discernment process for a “radical new Christian inclusion founded in Scripture, in reason, in tradition, in theology, and the Christian faith as the Church of England has received it — based on good, healthy, flourishing relationships, and in a proper 21st century understanding of being human and of being sexual.”