
Chuck Schumer takes a victory lap on the Respect for Marriage Act. – Slate

5. Raphael Warnock

The final midterm election!

This upcoming week features a “Tuesday,” which means Georgia will hold an election. In the final Senate race of the year, Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker will face a runoff. WHO’S GOING TO WIN? Well, Surge has been out of the predictions game since losing it all at a Hialeah dog track some years ago. But polls in Georgia, unlike other stupid states (you know who you are), are typically among the most accurate. And the most recent likely voter polls of the Georgia runoff show Warnock with leads of 2, 3, 4, -1, 0, and 4. (The one showing Walker ahead by a point was conducted by the precocious teens of Phillips Academy.) So … hmmmm … If polling averages in the Peach State are pretty reliable … and Warnock is leading in the most polls … no, no, no predictions are a sucker’s game. It all comes down to turnout! (Seriously, though.)