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Chris Eubank Jr. grilled by fans after Liam Smith ‘gay’ questioning – World Boxing News

Chris Eubank Jr. got bombarded by follow-up questions after Liam Smith tried to out him as gay at the final press conference.

Eubank posted a simple “Well, that escalated quickly” message on his social media. What happened next was predictable following Smith’s line of questioning.

Is Chris Eubank Jr. gay?

Many asked Eubank, “is it true?” – They were met with silence from the Brighton man.

Others decided to focus on boxing, with some labeling Smith “out of line” for his attempts to push Eubank’s sexual preference into the public domain at a live event.

“Low from Liam Smith. He’s definitely got his back up,” said one.

Another added: “Lack of class and pc awareness from Smith. Eubank kept his cool and schooled him as he will on Saturday.

“The fight didn’t need any of that. The ingredients are already there.”

Boxxer released a statement apologizing for the comments made, as did both fighters later.

However, the media release for the Eubank Jr. vs Smith press conference did not mention anything untoward.

“It’s just the win that matters regardless. I’d love to make a statement and stop him, but a win at any means necessary is the aim,” said Smith.

“Nobody believes him [about coming in at 50%], maybe a couple of his phone carriers and ball carriers.

“He doesn’t believe that himself. His coaches, Roy and Ronnie, both have told you differently, so we’ll see Saturday what shape he’s in.”

Fifty percent

Eubank stated: “I’ve always wanted to win this fight by knockout. The fact that Liam is being a child up here it gives me a bit of extra incentive to embarrass him.

“I’m cutting weight right now, so I’m at a good solid 44-45 percent right now, but I’ll be a strong 50 percent on the night. That will be more than enough to take the man [out].”

On what he might scale on Friday, Eubank added: “I actually weighed in lighter than Liam yesterday, so I guess that argument about weights is irrelevant now.

“Liam’s the bigger man. I’m comfortable, happy, and glad to be back in Manchester.”

Eubank’s trainer Roy Jones Jr. aired his views on the fight.

“When you’re a complete fighter, there’s no style to be caught between. Chris is a complete fighter now, so he can fight any style.

“Smith is a highly dangerous opponent. He’s been in the ring with Canelo and knows his way around the ring.

“That pushes Chris more to get ready and get prepared. If he chooses to use 40 percent, that’s up to him. Our goal is to get him ready, and then it’s up to him.”

Smith’s coach Joe McNally said: “I’m expecting a bit of Roy [Jones Jr]. A little bit of ferociousness. I hope he brings everything because that’s what Liam’s prepared for.

“I believe the early rounds will be key. If Eubank allows Smith to take the early rounds, he might be forced into trying to get a stoppage.

“Eubank cannot take his foot off the pedal.

Eubank Jr vs Smith

Promoter Ben Shalom concluded: “I remember when I met Liam, he said, ‘get me the Eubank fight. I’ll sign with you.’

“Now, It’s a bigger fight than when Liam first mentioned it to me.

“It’s just built and built. It’s got war written all over it. I think this is what British boxing really needs right now.”

Roll on Saturday night.

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