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Charlie Bird admits ‘harsh reality’ as limbs start to be affected in MND battle – Irish Mirror

Veteran RTE journalist Charlie Bird has revealed that his limbs are failing as his Motor Neurone Disease progresses.

Charlie was diagnosed with the incurable disease towards the end of 2021 after noticing issues with his voice.

Since then, he has campaigned tirelessly, raising money for Pieta House, the Irish Motor Neurone’s Association (IMNA) and Samaritans.

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He has posted regular health updates to social media in that time – but his latest one contains a heartbreaking admission.

Posting on Twitter, Charlie said: “I have been honest about my illness… people seeing me out walking think I am doing well.

“But the harsh reality is my limbs are beginning to be affected now. But some incredible force is helping me to keep fighting on.

“And extending the hand of friendship is my goal.”

In a video, Charlie spoke via his voice box, confirming he’ll have a special launch with Samaritans next Friday (November 18)

He said: “I’m not feeling great at present, but I do want to work as hard as possible to raise awareness for them. Hopefully this campaign will raise money for them, but the real purpose is to raise awareness.”

Last week, Charlie, 73, and his wife Claire, who have been busy raising funds for charity through the Climb With Charlie campaign ever since his diagnosis, said they are still “positive people”.

In a joint interview, where the couple opened up about the tough times behind closed doors with Charlie’s health battle, Claire told the Irish Mirror: “It changes all the time.

“It affects his swallow and eating habits and when we go home, people don’t realise what it is like behind closed doors and all of the day-to-day things that we struggle with.

“But listen we are positive people and you can’t overthink it too much, we like to be positive.

“Charlie drives everywhere, we go all over the countryside, we are going on a book tour signing at the moment and Charlie drives everywhere.