Student’s name: Liam Gay
Parents’ names: Perry and Keva Gay
Post-secondary plans: Four-year college for psychology. Later, med school
Career plans: Psychiatry
Century Career Center class: Professional Career Internship
Century Career Center instructor: Cynthi Frye
Business name: Franklin Elementary School
Supervisor’s name: Andie Nicoles
Supervisor’s title: School social worker
Student’s input
Student’s quote: I’ve always loved kids, and this internship combines my love for kids with my passion for mental health work. While it isn’t exactly what I plan to do, it’s certainly solidified my plans and taught me a lot about my career choice. I’m super happy and thankful to have this opportunity. Everyone is a joy to work with.
Supervisor’s input
What do you think of the internship program? I think it is super important that students understand what it is really like in the field before they commit to studying it in college. I have enjoyed having Liam to work with students and provide a male role model to those in need.
Why were you willing to participate? Mental health professionals are in high demand currently, and there is a great need in our schools to help children learn how to use coping skills. My field is something that often doesn’t exist in some schools, so it is important to use to shed light on the field of school social work.