CEDARVILLE — People of all ages will have the opportunity to hop on down to Cedarville in July to attend the 2021 Frog Fest.
The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on July 8 and will be at Heritage Park on Blindline Road in Cedarville. The annual event is hosted by the Les Cheneaux Watershed Council. Valerie Wolters, co-chair of Frog Fest and a member of the watershed council, said last year’s event was canceled due to COVID-19.
Frog Fest provides learning opportunities for all ages, educating the community about the relationships between water quality, wildlife and land use.
“We are so looking forward to Frog Fest, seeing people of all ages taking time to enjoy this four-hour science event,” said Wolters. “Being able to meet the researchers and science experts at Frog Fest reminds each of us that the clear water, healthy animals and clean air are our responsibility and that we can all do our part to do what is right to be active in our environment.”
The park will feature a wide variety of science exhibits, hands-on activities, games and prizes. Families may also get up close and personal with live specimens and speak with science specialists.
Groups who provide the displays include the U.S. Forestry Service, Lake Superior State University’s Aquatics Research Lab, Little Traverse Conservancy, MISTEM with the Intermediate School District of Mackinac County, Les Cheneaux Community Schools High School STEM, Clark Township, Inland Seas Schoolboat, Michigan State University Sea Grant and Extension, Avery Nature Center/Hessel School House, Les Cheneaux Community Library Friends of the Library, Three Shores Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area and many more.
“Mike and Kim Gay are stars of the event with the local live amphibians and reptiles they bring,” said Wolters. “Their knowledge is shared, as well as the frogs, toads, newts, turtles and sometimes snakes, which are returned to their original habitat following the event.”
Children’s games are ongoing during the event and volunteers are needed to share in the different stations where children play a game and earn stickers for their card. When full, the card is taken to a local treat store for a frozen treat. The public is asked to consider volunteering for an hour or more. There will be community service cards from the watershed council to sign for students who are keeping track of hours for school. For more information about volunteering, email frogfest4eup@gmail.com.
Les Cheneaux Watershed Council is a non-profit organization and has had financial support from donors throughout the year. The Les Cheneaux Area Community Foundation earmarks funds to help support the watershed council’s efforts. Clark Township and the Les Cheneaux Islands Chamber of Commerce are sponsors of the event and donate to Frog Fest with funds and in-kind donations. Grant proposals have also secured funding over the years.
Wolters said as the event is planned, the watershed council will be paying attention to the most current COVID-19 protocols from the State of Michigan.
“Each year people remark on the many projects that are done by volunteers who invest their time and talent,” said Wolters. “Meet people from the island, from other states, your neighbors, teachers, and friends at Heritage Park in Cedarville.”
For more information, visit www.lescheneauxwatershed.org or call (906) 484-3031.