In preparation for the approaching 2022-2023 school year, the Cullman County Board of Education has approved a list of personnel changes.

During their July 12 board meeting the CCBOE:

• Approved the following resignations: Tiffany Monk (Middle School Social Worker), Jessica Pankey (Human Resources Secretary), Ashley Jolley (Behavior Support Assistant at the Child Development Center), Stacey Lawson (High School Counselor at Cold Springs High), Barbara Hendrix (Fairview Middle School Teacher), Phillip Key (Teacher at Harmony) and Susan Willingham (Part-time at-risk Supper Program Worker at West Point High).

• Approved the following leave of absences: Brittney Calvert (8/8/2022-10/31/2022 from Good Hope Primary), Mary Pinyan (8/29/2022-12/1/2022) and Anna Lee West (9/12/2022-12/14/2022).

• Approved the following transfers: Tammy Griffith (from Hanceville Elementary Teacher to CARE Physical Education Teacher), Anna Pace (from Central Office Learning Supports Secretary to Central Office Learning Supports Administrative Assistant), Gracie Thomas (from Central Office Human Resources Secretary to Central Office Human Resources Administrative Assistant), Jon Short (from Parkside School Bus Driver to Fairview High School Bus Driver), Becky Annete Edge (from Child Development Center School Bus Driver to Fairview High/Parkside School Bus Driver), Mattie Leigh Berringer (from Holly Pond K-8 School Counselor to Good Hope Primary School Counselor), Candice Grochowalaki (from Holly Pond High Counselor to Hanceville High School Counselor), Racheal Leigh Howze (from Parkside Elementary Teacher to Harmony Elementary Teacher), Hannah Tolbert (from Child Development Center Special Education Pre-K Teacher to Harmony Special Education Pre-K Teacher), Jennifer Lee Gay (from Good Hope Primary Counselor to Holly Pond High Counselor), Destry Scott Stone (from Good Hope High School Bus Driver to Parkside School Bus Driver), Lindsay Mae McKenney (from Harmony Social Science/Science Teacher to Vinemont Middle Science Teacher), Mackenzie Woods McKoy (from Fairview Elementary Teacher to West Point Elementary Teacher), Justin Michael Cornelius (from Cold Springs High Social Science Teacher to West Point High Social Science Teacher), Trett A. Hardman (from Child Development Center Special Education Testing Coordinator to West Point High Assistant Principal) and Joshua Benjamin Davis (from Holly Pond K-8 Assistant Principal to West Point Middle Assistant Principal/Teacher).

• Approved the following appointments to be contingent upon personnel obtaining proper certification: Abigail Bennett (Child Development Center Behavior Support Assistant), Laura Johnson (Child Development Center School Bus Driver), Joshua Howell (Child Nutrition Program Maintenance Technician), Keneiath Campbell (Temporary part-time bookkeeper as-needed at Cold Springs Elementary), Neva Hite (Temporary part-time Elementary Intervention at Cold Springs Elementary), Rachal Johnson (Temporary Pre-K Auxiliary Teacher at Cold Springs Elementary), O.I. Kilgo (Part-time Career Preparedness Teacher at Cold Springs Elementary), Joy Kilgo (School Bookkeeper at Cold Springs High/Elementary), Jack Capps (Part-time Maintenance Worker at Cullman Area Technology Academy), Jon Short (Station Head at Fairview), Savanna Dutton (Fairview Elementary Teacher), Amanda Vincent (Fairview Elementary Teacher), Elizabeth Lockhart (Fairview High Science Teacher), Amy Nation (Good Hope High School Bus Driver), Teresa Vines (Good Hope Primary Pre-K Auxiliary Teacher), Kerry Price (Hanceville Elementary Teacher), Tracy Armstrong (Hanceville High Child Nutrition Program Worker), Melissa Freeman (Hanceville High School Child Nutrition Program Worker), Christina Watson (Hanceville High School Science Teacher), Amber Jones (Hanceville Middle School Secretary), Rebecca McCay (Holly Pond Elementary Middle School Science Teacher), Donna Heptinstall (Temporary part-time High School Math Teacher at Holly Pond High), Carrie Ferrell (Parkside Elementary Teacher), Hobson Hite (Systemwide part-time Homebound Teacher), Vikki Lemley (Systemwide part-time Homebound Teacher), Lisa Balderrama (Pre-K Auxiliary Teacher at Vinemont Elementary) and Harvey Moss (Summer School Driver’s Ed Teacher at West Point High).

• Approved the following substitutes: Deloris Weldon (Bus Driver), Phyllis Harris (Bus Driver/Office) and Caragan O’Neil (Teacher).

• Approved the following non-faculty coaches: Justin Chafin (Cold Springs High Baseball), Henry Harrison (Cold Springs High Varsity Football), Matthew Negron (Cold Springs High Varsity Football), Jason Hurt (Fairview High/Middle Varstity/Junior Varsity/Middle School Baseball), Nathan Finley (Holly Pond Middle Girls Basketball), Jonathan Reid (Holly Pond Middle Boys Basketball) and Tanya Veres (West Point High Cheerleading).

• Approved Jeffery Aspinwall as a Holly Pond High Summer Worker.

The next board meeting will be on Thursday, August 18 at 3:30 p.m. at the Cullman County Board of Education, Board Room, 402 Arnold Street NE.