Everyone Is Gay on TikTok – The New York Times

Connor Robinson, a 17-year-old British TikTok star with rosy cheeks and a budding six-pack, has built a large following by keeping his fans thirsty. Between the daily drip of shirtless dance...

US Catholics Have Backed Same-Sex Marriage Since 2011 – Gallup Poll

Story Highlights 69% of U.S. Catholics have supported gay marriage since 2016 U.S. Catholics' gay marriage support consistently above national average WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Pope Francis recently said he supports legalizing civil unions for...

US Catholics Have Backed Same-Sex Marriage Since 2011 – Gallup Poll – Gallup Poll

Story Highlights 69% of U.S. Catholics have supported gay marriage since 2016 U.S. Catholics' gay marriage support consistently above national average WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Pope Francis recently said he supports legalizing civil unions for...

Gay, queer, pansexual – 11 LGBTQ+ and sexual identity terms explained – Style

Gay, queer, pansexual – 11 LGBTQ+ and sexual identity terms explained  Style

Not married but willing to be: Pictures of lovers from 1850s to 1950s when...

Some of the images in the new book (Picture: Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s)If these pictures got into the wrong hands when they were taken, many...

A global look at how COVID-19 has affected LGBTQ activism – Harvard Gazette

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted virtually every aspect of life, including social movements such as the struggle for LGBTQ rights. As part of Worldwide Week at Harvard, on Wednesday the Weatherhead...

Gay Men Hijack ‘Proud Boys’ Hashtag In Powerful Social Media Campaign – HuffPost

Gay men launched a savvy campaign over the weekend to appropriate the hashtag of the white supremacist “Proud Boys” with a tsunami of touching images and messages on social media. The love...

Remy Cointreau’s Mount Gay The Master Blender Collection – Port Cask – Product Launch...

Remy Cointreau's Mount Gay The Master Blender Collection - Port Cask - Product Launch Olly Wehring | 5 October 2020 ...

Proud Boys hashtag taken over by gay pride images – WGN-TV

This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated....

Up Next Gay men take over #ProudBoys on Twitter – Washington Blade

Editor’s note: The Washington Blade published a Spanish version of this story on April 30. A gunshot to the back on April 24 cost Zashy Zuley del Cid her life. The murder took...

Gay Couples Are Loving Twitter’s ‘HowItStarted/HowItEnded’ Trend – Instinct Magazine

Image via Taylor Phillips & Twitter @TaylorJPhillips Here’s a little love to make you smile. As far as Twitter trends go, we’re big fans of moments when people join together to celebrate...

Religiously unaffiliated people more likely than those with a religion to lean left, accept...

A man holds a sign depicting the Spanish flag and calling for nonreligious education during the 2013 Madrid Gay Pride Parade. (Gonzalo Arroyo via Getty Images)  Most people around the world...

Native Son Hosts Inaugural Black Gay Men in Fashion Event – WWD

Native Son is hosting the inaugural “Black Gay Men in Fashion: Designing Our Future and Reimagining Our Brave New World” event on Wednesday. The virtual gathering, sponsored by P&G and Gucci Changemakers,...

Today’s the Day to Go Dot-Gay – Adweek

Many digital marketers have employed a vanity domain at least once in their careers, employing a snappy second extension or URL to redirect customers to a main .com...

Anti-Gay Incidents Most Common Worcester Hate Crime In 2019 – Worcester, MA Patch

WORCESTER, MA — Worcester police investigated 12 crimes motivated by hate or bias in 2019, and more than one-third of those crimes were against gay men, according to the department. Worcester...

How does the UK feel towards the LGBTQ+ community? – Kantar UK Insights

As new Religious and Sex Education Curriculum comes into place in England this September, our new study finds the UK as a nation broadly accepting of its LGBTQ+ community, although with...

Gay Couple’s Child Born in England Is a US Citizen, Says Atlanta Federal Judge...

LexisNexis® and Bloomberg Law are third party online distributors of the broad collection of current and archived versions of ALM's legal news publications. LexisNexis® and Bloomberg Law customers are able...

New CDC Data Shows LGBTQ Youth are More Likely to be Bullied Than Straight...

In 2019, many states collected gender identity data. Data for 14 of these states across more than 107,000 youth are included in publicly available files on the CDC’s website. Below are...

Trends in Violence Victimization and Suicide Risk by Sexual… – CDC

Trends in Violence Victimization and Suicide Risk by Sexual...  CDC

Dating and relationships: Key findings on views and experiences in the US – Pew...

(iStock) Dating has always come with challenges. But the advent of dating apps and other new technologies – as well as the #MeToo movement – presents a new set of norms...

How LGBTQ+-friendly are Asia’s homegrown fashion brands? – South China Morning Post

How LGBTQ+-friendly are Asia’s homegrown fashion brands?  South China Morning Post

Gay Store Finds Surprising Pandemic Demand for Sexy Trends – outsmartmagazine.com

Gay Store Finds Surprising Pandemic Demand for Sexy Trends  outsmartmagazine.com

These places recently legalized gay marriage or partnerships – World Economic Forum

Thailand’s cabinet has given draft approval for same-sex unions. 28 UN member states have legalized same-sex marriage, while 32 recognize some form of gay civil partnership. Northern Ireland, Ecuador...

Huge improvements in HIV testing for gay and bisexual men in New South Wales,...

There has been an “extraordinary scale-up of testing” among gay and bisexual men in New South Wales, Australia since 2010. As a result of multiple initiatives to increase service capacity and...

Views of Homosexuality Around the World – Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project

A member of the LGBT community takes part in a 2019 pride walk in India. (Diptendu Dutta/AFP via Getty Images) This analysis focuses on whether people around the world think...

Biden Holds Large Lead Over Trump Among LGBTQ Voters as Pride Month Winds Down...

While former Vice President Joe Biden trailed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for support among LGBTQ voters during the Democratic presidential primary, the now-presumptive nominee far surpasses President Donald Trump’s standing with...

The Global Divide on Homosexuality Persists – Pew Research Center

The Global Divide on Homosexuality Persists  Pew Research Center

‘Straight TikTok’ vs. ‘Alt TikTok’: How queer users built ‘Alt TikTok’ – Mashable

Mashable is celebrating Pride Month by exploring the modern LGBTQ world, from the people who make up the community to the spaces where they congregate, both online and off. If you've been...

When Is It Time to Claim Victory in the Gay Rights Struggle? – New...

Photo: AFP via Getty Images The last major obstacle to civil equality for gay men, lesbians, bisexuals,...

LGBTQ Inclusion in the Workplace: Updating Policies and Training – SHRM

Many employers already have policies and practices in place that are inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) workers, and now is a good time to review those programs...

China’s largest gay dating app Blued files for US IPO – TechNode

Blue City Holdings Ltd., the company behind China’s gay dating app Blued, filed its application on Tuesday to offer shares on the Nasdaq exchange. Why it matters: Blued, which boasts 49 million...

China’s gay dating app Blued eyes Nasdaq IPO to expand overseas – TechCrunch

It was around 20 years ago when Baoli Ma hid in his bedroom feeling helpless and lonely for being a gay man in China. Life has changed dramatically for Ma since then....

Two conservative justices joined decision expanding LGBTQ rights – CNN

(CNN) —   Five years after the US Supreme Court declared a fundamental right for same-sex couples to marry, the justices produced another landmark for the gay rights movement...

Gay Fashion Icons: 17 Queer Legends Who Serve Major Style Inspiration – StyleCaster

Scroll To See More Images The decline of societal gender norms when it comes to fashion has been a long time coming—and we’re still not all the way there. The progress...

Supreme Court Says Federal Anti-Bias Law Protects LGBTQ Workers – SHRM

A federal employment law shields workers from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, according to a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling on June 15. In the most anticipated employment...