Delta is under fire for its stance on the controversial Georgia election bill –...
Boycott Delta trends after statements on controversial Georgia voter law
Two gay men burned in Kenya refugee camp attack – Washington Blade
Despite having President Biden in the White House and Democratic majorities in both chambers of Congress, efforts to update federal civil rights laws to strengthen the prohibition on discrimination against LGBTQ...
Most Democrats and Republicans Know Biden Is Catholic, but They Differ Sharply About How...
Catholics are divided along party lines on whether Biden should be allowed to receive Communion Shadowed by security detail, Joe Biden leaves St. Joseph on the Brandywine Roman Catholic Church, his home...
Teens describe their gender and sexuality in diverse new ways, but some are being...
A growing number of young people are identifying as part of the LGBTQ+ community, and many are challenging binaries in gender and sexual identity to reflect a broader spectrum of experience...
Lil Nas X’s evil gay Satanic agenda, the Montero video, and Satan shoes –...
Not content to merely spur controversy and debate within the country music industry, Lil Nas X has jump-started the 21st century’s first foray into Satanic Panic by selling blood-infused Nikes.
Up Next LGBTQ lawmaker arrested, dragged from State Capitol – Washington Blade
Despite having President Biden in the White House and Democratic majorities in both chambers of Congress, efforts to update federal civil rights laws to strengthen the prohibition on discrimination against LGBTQ...
15 Lesbian and Queer TikTok Creators for WLW to Follow – Popdust
After a lot of uncertainty surrounding the future of the app, it seems that the United States government will not ban TikTok. This information may mean very little to you if...
Meet Marvel’s new gay teen superhero – South China Morning Post
The United States of Captain America comic strips will introduce the superhero to a series of everyday heroes across the country, starting with Aaron Fischer, co-written by Joshua Trujillo...
Conversion therapy still exists in Puerto Rico – Washington Blade
Kabul was known as one of the few “liberal” cities in Afghanistan. The word liberal is in quotation marks, and inflected, because it is liberal compared to the rest of the country. Now...
Meet Marvel’s new gay teen superhero – South China Morning Post
Meet Marvel’s new gay teen superhero South China Morning Post
Harvard plans full return to campus life – Harvard Gazette
Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences is planning for a full return to campus in the fall, including opening residential accommodations at full density and holding classes in person.
Edgerley Family Dean...
We’re Loving The “I’d Come Out To Her” Meme – Instinct Magazine
Images via CBS, PBS, and Walt Disney Studios
What a perfect meme for Women’s History Month!
We love how memes and trends evolve online. This weekend, a new meme and trend took over...
The pandemic offered a unique chance for many people to come out as queer...
Alyssa McGill came of age in the mid-1990s, when former President Clinton established homophobic doctrines like Don't Ask, Don't Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act. Both of those have since...
Why I Embraced Looking ‘Like A Lesbian’ – Refinery29
Needless to say, I wasn’t trying to make a statement with my clothes, particularly not a coming out statement. At 14, I’d never experienced same-sex attraction or any real attraction, for...
American Public Opinion and the Equality Act – Gallup Poll
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Equality Act on Feb. 25, and the bill is now undergoing hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The purpose of the Equality Act is...
American Public Opinion and the Equality Act – Gallup Poll – Gallup Poll
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Equality Act on Feb. 25, and the bill is now undergoing hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The purpose of the Equality Act is...
Majorities of Americans see at least some discrimination against Black, Hispanic and Asian people...
Large shares of Americans say there is at least some discrimination against several groups in the United States, including 80% who say there is a lot of or some discrimination against...
Dressing amid quarantine: Fashion trends in 2021 that can go and stay Whether you’re...
With the COVID-19 pandemic, fashion this year has been quite unlike any other. From Instagram releases to livestreamed shows to videos, fashion titans have been creatively (and virtually) transforming the traditional...
Marvel Comics To Unveil A Gay ‘Captain America’ In Time For Pride Month –...
Marvel Comics will kick off Pride Month with an inclusive twist on a beloved franchise.
The publishing company on Monday announced plans to introduce a new gay hero, Aaron Fischer. The character...
Catholic Church on Gay Marriage: Sin cannot be blessed – eTurboNews | Trends |...
Does the Catholic Church have the power to give blessings to same-sex unions? The answer is: Negative.The Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith says it loves the sinner, but this does...
Catholic Church on Gay Marriage: Sin cannot be blessed Read more Skip – eTurboNews...
Does the Catholic Church have the power to give blessings to same-sex unions? The answer is: Negative.The Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith says it loves the sinner, but this does...
Poland’s Replacement for Istanbul Convention Would Ban Abortion and Gay Marriage – Balkan Insight
No way to treat a treatyThe Istanbul Convention, which Poland ratified in 2015 and has now been signed and/or ratified by 45 countries but not yet ratified by the EU, attributes...
New Study Examines Gay Self loathing – Instinct Magazine
Gay men have long been conflicted in society over the negative stigma associated with male femininity. Being a “femme” man can quickly get you ostracized in heterosexual circles, and that is...
2020: The gay Y2K – Daily Californian
From leg warmers to mullets to the revival of low-rise jeans, those who follow fashion trends may have had a hard time keeping up with 2020. Stuck at home with nothing...
Vimeo Can’t Be Sued for Banning Pastor’s Account Over Gay Conversion Content, 2nd Circuit...
Judge Rosemary Pooler of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit at a motion hearing June 26, 2012. Photo: Rick Kopstein
The pastor of...
Negative attitudes towards effeminacy associated with internalized homophobia among gay and bisexual men –...
Most members of the LGBTQ+ community recognize that it, like many marginalized and minority communities, suffers from internal struggles centered on identity and the outward display of personality traits and behaviors...
TV’s queer explosion ( – Washington Blade
Although queer representation is down slightly on scripted TV shows this year with 70 (9.1 percent) of all 773 series regular characters out as some form of LGBTQ+, representation has been...
TV’s queer explosion – Washington Blade
Although queer representation is down slightly on scripted TV shows this year with 70 (9.1 percent) of all 773 series regular characters out as some form of LGBTQ+, representation has been...
FAS Dean Gay Says Harvard Planning for ‘Full Return’ in Fall 2021 | News...
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Claudine Gay said in a Friday interview that Harvard is currently planning for fall 2021 with the “overriding goal” of “charting a path to a...
Op-ed: City should pull advertising from newspaper pushing anti-gay views – NOW Toronto
NOW MagazineNewsOp-ed: City should pull advertising from newspaper pushing anti-gay views Motion set to go to council on Wednesday describes attacks on...
TikTok user perfectly shuts down transphobic ‘super straight’ trend – PinkNews
In a new transphobic TikTok trends, users are claiming that refusing to date trans people is an "orientation". (TikTok/ kyleroyce) One TikTok user has perfectly shut down a new transphobic trend of...
Queering Hogwarts: How LGBTQ+ TikTok creators are reclaiming Harry Potter online – Gay Times...
One day Marthe Woertman, 21, opened her app and saw DracoTok everywhere. At first, she was amused but the Dutch creator admits she “didn’t really get the hype around Draco” until...
Everything we know about ‘Bros,’ the first gay rom-com by a major studio –...
“Bros,” a boundary-breaking rom-com centering the love story of two gay men, will hit theaters next August, according to the studio behind the film, Universal Pictures.Here's everything we know about "Bros"The...
Archbishop of Canterbury condemns Nigerian primate’s anti-gay language – Episcopal News Service
Archbishop of Canterbury condemns Nigerian primate’s anti-gay language ‘I completely disagree with and condemn this language. It is unacceptable.’ By Ed Thornton Posted Mar 5,...
Michael Ritter Seeks to Be Texas’ First Openly Gay Lawyer Elected to Statewide Bar...
Texas attorney Michael Ritter. Courtesy photo
Michael Ritter is looking to become Texas’ first openly LGBTQ+ candidate elected to statewide state Bar office. He said...