
Car Dealership Manager Takes Customer’s Car For a Joyride – Distractify

keffer hyundai tiktok
Kelly Corbett - Author

A word of advice: Trust no one. A man recently went to a car dealership searching for a new set of wheels. As he was test-driving one of the dealership’s for-sale vehicles, the dealership manager and a salesperson decided to take the customer’s car out for a little bit of a joyride.

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While they returned the customer’s vehicle to the dealership in the exact condition it was left in, the customer still found out about their field trip. Here’s how. (Spoiler alert: The bozos didn’t realize there was a dashboard camera).

car salesman

Source: Getty Images

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Dealership manager take customer’s car for a drive sans permission.

The last time I checked, when a customer goes to a car dealership, they are usually the folks that get to do all the test driving — not the other way around. But apparently, the manager of the Keffer Hyundai dealership in Matthews, N.C. didn’t get the memo.

In a now-deleted TikTok video, one man shared footage that had been captured from his car’s dashboard camera. It showed the dealership manager and salesperson clandestinely driving his car around the dealership lot and the neighborhood outside of it.

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The customer had left his keys with the dealership as he took one of the cars there for a test drive. But apparently, the dealership couldn’t be trusted.

The TikTok showing the car’s camera footage has since been posted in the Reddit community r/TikTokCringe, but it was a lot more than cringe. It was more cruel than anything. While driving the customer’s car, the manager also began to mock the customer, as well as spew out anti-gay slurs.

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At first, the conversation in the car between the manager and salesperson started out light. They chatted about the car’s mileage and whether or not certain features worked in it.

After driving it around the lot, they took it to the streets, where they allegedly reached speeds of 60 mph, despite the speed limit being 20 mph. The manager was also not wearing a seatbelt according to notes the customer made on the video. The seatbelt alarm beeped several times throughout.

“This car is gay AF, man,” the manager announced while simultaneously driving stolen property. “And the fact that it’s got flowers,” he giggled. The owner of the car included a photo of his vehicle in the video to show the car’s appearance.

“He thinks it’s neat though, doesn’t he?” the manager said. “This thing tickles his pickle,” the salesperson chirped.

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The customer made a side note in the video that he was worried about the manager’s pulmonary health due to the heavy breathing heard in the video. Meanwhile, the manager continued to make fun of the customer in between his wheezes. “These guys with their special cars and s–t,” he said.

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As the manager and salesperson went to return the car to original its spot in the lot, they were blocked by another vehicle and had to back up. The manager appeared to struggle with putting the car in reverse.

After he finally got the car to back up, the manager whispered to the salesperson, “Dude this is gay,” followed by, “This guy has got to be gay.”

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“Well he did come with his friend,” replied the salesperson.

“He’s a big ole flaming a– redneck is what he is. He’s a hillbilly, he’s got an inch and a half of grass on the floor. He’s got flowers on his car.”

Out the window, the manager shouted at someone in the lot, “Hey, [are] you single?” trying to mock the customer.

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In a comment on the Reddit post, one person wrote: “Nothing about their actions are OK, even if they had permission to test drive the car (say, as an inspection for an anticipated trade-in), but I do have to wonder why the owner thought he was leaving the keys with them? What possible purpose would there be other than to start it, drive it, etc.?”

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The original poster wrote that the customer was told that the dealership had to do an interior inspection and would only be popping the hood. There was no mention of taking the car out for a drive.

Basically, this video teaches us two important lessons. Never leave your car keys with the dealership manager. Also — and this is for the manager specifically —remember that any car can secretly have a camera.