American International College
Jason Vickery, of Raynham, was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at American International College in Springfield. To qualify, students must earn a GPA between 3.3 and 4.0.
Bridgewater State University
Ashlyn LaPlante, of Raynham Center, was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts.
Several Raynham residents were named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts. Students are Liz J. Bechtel, Christian Bosze, Karina Carney, Allison Carter, Tyler Craig, Korey Dufault, Shane P. Feeney, Nicole H. Finn, Caroline G. Gomes, Abigail L. Goodrich, Lenny E. Goslin, Samantha C. Gullens, Andrew Hallman, Sophia R. Harrington, Janet E. Jolly, Heather Manning, Shannon M. McCoy, Audrey Mekler, Kathryn Mercadante, Kaylee L. Moniz, Nina J. Morrison, Emily H. Mortimer, Brooke M. O’Donnell, Katelyn D. Omar, Cheyenne D. Pacheco, Kristina Picarski, Lauren E. Pray, Jordyn A. Robertson, Jonathan Rucker, Victoria A. Russo, Zach J. Russo, Georgia M. Serafin, Brett A. Smart, Hailey M. Stasiuk and Deitrich Wahl.
Several Bridgewater residents were named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts. Students are Rosi E. Abernathy, Majd Al Jurf, Devon Basler, Alex J. Baston, Hannah E. Brousseau, Robert F. Buczek, Carly R. Burch, Alexis A. Burgoon, Sydney O. Caulfield, Shaun P. Charland, Shemar Cloutier, Ellie R. Cooper, Emily F. Cronin, Kaylee M. Crooks-Letourneau, Eric L. Cuddy, Kyla A. Cullors, Madison E. Cummings, Chelsea L. Defelice, Kerry Derocha, Amanda Dollard, Erin N. Donahue, Nevaeh S. Dykes, Merna M. El-Nesr, Meg R. Foley, Ryan J. Foley, Abby E. Fratalia, Matthew R. Fratalia, Joshua R. Gaucher, Elise C. Gay, Amanda K. Giambanco, Mackenzie E. Giordano, Brianna M. Guaraldi, Nicole M. Guilbault, Drew Hancock, Caroline Hang, Kaci M. Hart, Logan M. Heath, Savannah-Leigh Hellige, Beth M. Higgins, Paige Hoffses, Ben W. Howe, Matthew Howlett, Kelsey A. Irwin, Kyle James, Natalie A. Johns-Suriel, Lexi P. Kish, Anna M. Knudsen, Alan Lacerda, Erica Laubi, Elizabeth N. LeBlanc, Ali Levada, Nick Loonie, Brendan D. Mahoney, Hailey Mangelson, Brandon O. Maroney, Olivia Martin, Mark R. Matta, Emily M. McDermott, Caroline McDonough, Tess I. McGillis, Keri A. McKenzie, Abbie M. Mello, Chad Meyer, Jacob W. Micciantuono, Emily Montour, Andrew Mortarelli, Kathryn E. Murray, Martin J. Murray, Cali Myers, Andrea Nason, Robert S. Nee, Chris C. Nelson, Patrick T. Oconnor, Omar Osman, Julia M. Parrish, Telma S. Pawlak-Silva, Ben Pelland, Adam Perez, Cody R. Piche, Kylee A. Piche, Mikayla Pierce, Brooke V. Reagan, Kelly E. Reed, Hannah M. Rideout, Justin M. Ringuette, Jillian E. Ross, Matt R. Santos, Caroline Sarro, Michaela Sayce, Jonah W. Schlosser, Rachel L. Schwartz, Gabryella M. Serrano, Casey S. Shapiro, Ahmad M. Sheikhard, Andrew T. Silva, Matt R. Silva, Chris D. Spivey-Ortiz, Cali R. Stanton, Kristine M. Stearns, Alexander J. Sullivan, Courtney Sullivan, Katie A. Swart, Tom J. Szymczuk, Sofie R. Taggart, Ciera N. Taylor, Brynna Turner, Ericha Whitham, Jonathan R. Whitham and Nicholas J. Williams.
Several East Bridgewater residents were named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts. Students are Gabby G. Barahona, Ashley M. Barone, Juliana C. Barrus, Madi M. Bradbury, Sydney M. Bradbury, Molly M. Burton, Carly Cavagnaro, Ethan Child, Kayley Coyne, April Decarvalho, Braden M. Diauto, Lindsay M. Dolan, Jake L. Doucette, Martin A. Egan, Catherine T. Ferris, Hannah R. Foley, Alicia Franzie, Brandon M. Gonzalez, Kathleen E. Gordon, Alexis N. Gouthro, Cassandra E. Hartsgrove, Jacob C. Hill, Callie A. Jefferson, Evan M. Jenkins, Meghan E. Johnston, Jamie C. Jones, Benjamin H. King, Alexa Laslie, Ryan M. Mannett, Paige C. Nadworny, Barbara O’Brien, Olivia M. Parsons, Justin Pirelli, Becki A. Power, Ryon W. Pratt, Kelsey L. Quinlan, Nicole Roscoe, Christopher Salley, Kevin K. Scott, Nick S. Scott, Rachel R. Seaver, Nicole S. Shepard, Jordan A. Smith, Zachary Smith, Candace M. Tiro, Ally E. Trumbull, Samantha L. Tyrrell, Tory Viola-Laughery, Dylan T. Voss, Austin J. Whalen, Emily A. Wolfe, Tyler J. Wolfe, Meagan B. Yackley, Michelle S. Yackley and April E. Zemotel.
Several West Bridgewater residents were named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts. Students are Colleen D. Daly, Erica English, Sarah C. Galvin, Alli May, Colby A. McCabe, Devyn R. McCarthy, Bryan Outerbridge, Emily Outerbridge, Meg S. Outerbridge, Erin C. Palmieri, Alexis L. Tavares, Krishna S. Torres, Megan M. Weatherbee, Jacob D. Whiteman, Meghan R. Willis, Danielle A. Wood and Caleigh Wright.
College of Charleston
Julianna Torres, of Bridgewater, was named to the president’s list for the spring 2021 semester at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. Torres is majoring in exercise science. To qualify, students must earn a GPA of 3.8 or higher and complete a minimum of 14 semester hours.
Dean College
Jayda Pearson, of Bridgewater, was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Dean College in Franklin.
Michael Ciccketti and Cassaundra Glover, of Raynham, were named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Dean College in Franklin.
MassBay Community College
Kelsie Clark, of Raynham, was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at MassBay Community College in Wellesley. Clark studies radiologic technology. To qualify, students must complete at least six credits of college-level courses, be in good standing with the college and earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Theresa Mazzacone and Jeffrey Roderick, of Taunton, were named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at MassBay Community College in Wellesley. Mazzacone is studying liberal arts — human services. Roderick is studying advanced cyber security. To qualify, students must complete at least six credits of college-level courses, be in good standing with the college and earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Northeastern University
Joseph De Mello, Erin Furey and Noah Jeffrey, of Taunton, were named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Northeastern University in Boston. DeMello is majoring in business administration. Furey is majoring in design. Jeffrey is majoring in political science and business administration. To qualify, students must carry a full program of at least four courses, have a quality point average of 3.5 or greater higher out of a possible 4.0 and carry no single grade lower than a C-minus during the course of their college career.
Norwich University
Aidan Michael Donahue, of Raynham, was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Norwich University in Northfield, Vermont. To qualify, full-time undergraduate students must earn a semester GPA of 3.4 or higher, have no failures in the previous fall or spring semester and have no pending incomplete grades.
Regis College
Brianna Duffy, of Taunton, was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Regis College in Weston. Duffy is a member of the class of 2023. To qualify, seniors, juniors and sophomores must earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher. First-year students must earn a semester GPA of 3.25 or higher.
Aidan Michael Donahue, of Raynham, was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Regis College in Weston. To qualify, seniors, juniors and sophomores must earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher. First-year students must earn a semester GPA of 3.25 or higher.
Roger Williams University
Dylan Murphy, of Raynham, was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island. To qualify, students must complete 12 or more credits per semester and earn a GPA of 3.4 or higher. Murphy also graduated with a Bachelor of Science in marketing.
Dylan Murphy and Lauren Stornelli, of Raynham, graduated in May from Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island. Murphy earned a Bachelor of Science in marketing. Stornelli earned a Master of Arts in forensic and legal psychology.
Danielle Wedge and Zachary Wluka, of Bridgewater, were named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island. To qualify, students must complete 12 or more credits per semester and earn a GPA of 3.4 or higher. Wedge and Wluka also graduated in May from Roger Williams University. Wedge earned a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice. Wluka earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science.
Carly Doulette, Danielle Wedge and Zachary Wluka, of Bridgewater, graduated in May from Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island. Doulette earned a Master of Arts in special education, elementary education track, with summa cum laude honors. Wedge earned a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice. Wluka earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science.
Kaitlyn Nasiff, of Raynham, was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island. To qualify, full-time students who complete 12 or more credits per semester must earn a GPA of 3.4 or higher.
Saint Michael’s College
Erin LaMarca, of Raynham, was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. LaMarca, a history and secondary education major who graduated from Saint Michael’s College in May, is a graduate of Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School.
Springfield College
Jessica Skov, of Bridgewater, graduated in May from Springfield College in Massachusetts. Skov earned a Master of Science in physician assistant.
Rosalie Daryanani and Margaret Micciche, of Raynham, were named to the dean’s list at Springfield College in Massachusetts. Daryanani has a primary major of health science/pre-physician assistant. Micciche has a primary major of health science/occupational therapy. To qualify, students must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours of graded coursework for the term, exclusive of “P” grades, must not have any incompletes or missing grades in the designated term and must earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Allison Delmonte, Daniel Gibson, Samantha Hourihan and Shannon Lynch, of Bridgewater, were named to the dean’s list at Springfield College in Massachusetts. Delmonte has a primary major of health science and pre-physical therapy. Gibson has a primary major of American studies. Hourihan has a primary major of health science and pre-physical therapy. Lynch has a primary major of mathematics and computer technology. To qualify, students must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours of graded coursework for the term, exclusive of “P” grades, must not have any incompletes or missing grades in the designated term and must earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher.
University of Rhode Island
Several Bridgewater residents were named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston. Students are Nikki Arnold, Gio Balsamo, Lexy Batjiaka, Jeffrey Bodendorf, Alex Byrne, Emily Crisfulla, Gabby Curtis, Julien DeRienzo, Rachel Fernandes, Connor Kimball, Alyssa McNamara, Brady Myers, Jake Nunes, Megan Rees, Allie Ringuette and Caroline Sweeney. To qualify, full-time students must have completed 12 or more credits for letter grades which are GPA-applicable during a semester and achieved at least a 3.3 quality point average. Part-time students qualify with the accumulation of 12 or more credits for letter grades which are GPA-applicable earning at least a 3.3 quality point average.
Several Raynham residents were named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston. Students are Greg Cox, Abigail Hermenegildo, Hannah Kramer, Olivia Rackley, Lexi Silva and Sam Szumita. To qualify, full-time students must have completed 12 or more credits for letter grades which are GPA-applicable during a semester and achieved at least a 3.3 quality point average. Part-time students qualify with the accumulation of 12 or more credits for letter grades which are GPA-applicable earning at least a 3.3 quality point average.
Western New England University
Evan McCabe, of Bridgewater, was named to the president’s list for the spring 2021 semester at Western New England University in Springfield. McCabe is in the pharmaceutical business program. To qualify, students must earn a GPA of 3.8 or higher.
William James College
Brennah Campbell, of Bridgewater, recently graduated from William James College in Newton. Campbell earned a Master of Arts and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in school psychology.
Brittany Elliott, of Raynham, recently graduated from William James College in Newton. Elliott earned a Master of Arts and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in school psychology.