VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, June 24, 2022 / — While we have certainly come a long way in recognizing gay rights across the country and around the world, LGBTQ+ people still continue to face unfair harsh discrimination and social stigma in all areas of their lives. While the gay community face judgement we must all fully accept and embrace each other no matter what thier gender identity or sexual orientation. Queer folks should resolutely celebrate who they are and live on their own terms. That’s why having a healthy support sytem is critical to helping them understand how to live authentically and mindfully. Creating healthy thought patterns can help them move forward into meaningful lives and a bright future of love and acceptance.

Brian Madigan is a top notch Life Coach and founder and owner of Gay Guru Inc.

“Whether you’re just beginning your journey of self -discovery or struggling with identity, as a gay life coach my objectives are to help queer men navigate living life openly and with purpose,” says Brian. “Being gay is a gift to be celebrated and I will bring you the clarity and confidence to start living aligned with your truth and understanding your desires so you can move forward fearlessly with a joyful resilient sense of self.”

Brian’s own life journey as a gay man is what inspired him to go into coaching. Since his early youth, he had also always prided himself on being an amazing advice giver and while he had a successful career in corporate information technology, it dawned on him how unfulfilled he was with his work. Eventually, he left his corporate job and opened up his practice finally discovering his true life passion as the gay guru.

Brain works with five specific areas including coming out as a gay man, aging, career, relationships, and spirituality every single one customized and tailored to his client’s individual needs.

“When it comes to coaching my clients on their struggles with coming out of the closet, it’s about embracing, valuing, and accepting themselves even as society’s expectations may leave them feeling isolated and ashamed. It’s a liberating life affirming process yet also difficult. It’s a most critical time to have a genuine support system. My coaching isn’t about telling my clients to “come out” just asking the right questions to help them dig deep and go at their own pace.”

In the area of relationships, Brian supports queer men offering tools and strategies to find true love in their relationships. As they struggle with dating, exacerbated further by the COVID 19 pandemic, he encourages them in seeking passionate relationships that last while addressing specific issues unique to gay men.

Regarding career issues Brian helps his clients improve their path despite the barriers they face such as employee discrimination which can make them understandably discouraged. Whether they are seeking a career transition or building their professional skills Brian skillfully empowers and motivates them so they thrive in fulfilling and meaningful professions.

Brian also expertly addresses aging concerns. Within the gay culture there is such a heavy focus on youthful looks that coming to terms with getting older is particularly harsh. As Brian points out getting older is inevitable and he says good humoredly “Just roll with it!”

“Aging brings the advantages of wisdom and we can shift our perspective to realize great things come as we get older. Perhaps focusing more on the meaning of our lives, the legacy we will one day leave behind, and the impact we can make on our community.”

A sense of wholeness and balance is an essential part of Brian’s coaching work as well, so spirituality plays a huge role in his coaching. Raised Catholic, today he practices Ifa which is an ancient African tradition with a distinct belief that sexuality is something we are born with. People come to the planet to learn and grow, that is our destiny. Sexuality is a very influential part of our journey, our orientation aligns with our true soul.

“Queer folks need to realize that there’s nothing wrong with who they are. That realization is key to an abundant life. With my coaching I assist them in embracing their authenticity as the wonderful people they truly are. Then they can live the life they want in peace and prosperity.”

Close Up Radio will feature Brian Madigan in an interview with Jim Masters on Tuesday June 28th at 2 pm EST

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio.

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389.

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Written By: Beatrice Maria Centeno

Lou Ceparano
Close Up Television & Radio
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