The San Diego County Board of Education unanimously passed a resolution declaring November 2022 as Runaway and Homeless Youth Month. Resolution 2022-21 reads:

WHEREAS, nearly 1.3 million children and youth were identified as homeless in the United States of America during the last school year, and

WHEREAS an estimated 200,000 youth under 18 years of age and thousands more who are 18 to 24 years of age, are homeless for one or more days each year, and

WHEREAS San Diego County is home to over 18,000 students who have been identified as experiencing homelessness by their school last year,

WHEREAS Children and youth experiencing homelessness have the least access to essential opportunities and supports; and a disproportionate number of these youth are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender; and

WHEREAS Runaway and homeless youth who live on the street are victims of physical abuse, sexual exploitation, and crime in untold numbers; and

WHEREAS, Runaway and homeless who youth flee conflict, abuse, neglect, or, increasingly, poverty in their homes have become disconnected from educational systems and the workforce and do not have the skills and financial resources to live on their own.

WHEREAS Youth who leave school without a high school diploma or equivalent are four and a half times more likely to experience homelessness as a young adult; and

WHEREAS The COVID-19 pandemic is being felt by youth as evidenced by increased demand for youth-centered care and mental health services, technology, and access to hygiene, food, shelter, and safety; and

WHEREAS Student Services and Programs Division provides support to districts and community organizations serving students experiencing homelessness with a goal of improving their well-being and educational outcomes; and

WHEREAS Homeless liaisons and homeless education programs exist to provide services and support for youth experiencing homelessness and to ensure equal access to educational opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to develop into healthy and productive adults; and

WHEREAS San Diego County Office of Education, Juvenile Court and Community Schools operate a K-12 school offering a comprehensive program designed to help students impacted by homelessness which serves nearly 350 students a year, and

WHEREAS, Organizations nationwide have declared November as Runaway and Homeless Youth Month to increase awareness of the urgent needs of children and youth experiencing homelessness; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the San Diego County Board of Education, hereby declares November 2022 as Runaway and Homeless Youth Month and hereby requests that elected officials in the County of San Diego and all its citizens recognize the unique needs of children and youth experiencing homelessness and increase both awareness of the issue and their commitment to helping these young people succeed.