Big Brother 23 houseguest Derek “Big D” Frazier will likely go far this season as he’s positioned comfortably in dominating secret alliance, The Cookout. The son of late professional boxer “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier also has separate final two deals with the other males in the alliance, and other houseguests want to take him to the end, perceiving him as a “goat” and easily beatable in competitions. During his time in the house, he has rubbed many fans the wrong way as he repeatedly refers to other women as “b——.” In a conversation with Kyland Young, Big D explained he could utilize the word, even though he’s a male because he’s gay.

Derek Frazier poses for 'Big Brother 23' cast photo

Derek Frazier poses for 'Big Brother 23' cast photo

‘Big Brother 23’ houseguest, Derek Frazier | Cliff Lipson/CBS/Getty Images

Derek Frazier has referred to several women in the house as ‘b—-’

28-year-old safety officer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Derek Frazier, was picked to join the Jokers by captain Brandon “Frenchie” French.

The two became good allies, developing a final two, but he went home the following week. A couple of weeks later, he found himself at odds with Alyssa Lopez and her showmance partner Christian Birkenberger, who was also the biggest physical threat of the season.

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In a conversation with their King’s teammate, Xavier Prather, Derek F. repeatedly called her a “b—-,” causing Xavier to correct him. He has also used it several times when referring to women, whether jokingly or not.

He says he can use the word because he’s gay

Broadcasted during the Aug. 13 eviction episode, Derek F. sounded off on Tiffany Mitchell. She upset him and another Joker and Cookout ally Azah Awasum when she accused them of lying for not telling Christian they planned on voting him out of the house in a tense confrontation.

Tiffany then requested to talk to their former teammate Britni D’Angelo but the others went into the room, rubbing Tiffany the wrong way. The exchanges came to a head as Derek F. went outside and vented to Azah.

As he blew off steam, “Big D” referred to Tiffany as a “b—-” several times. Later, he used the word again when speaking about Sarah Beth Steagall to her number one ally and Cookout member Kyland Young.

When Kyland said he doesn’t “support” men using that word when referring to women, Derek F. responded that he could use it because he’s a gay man.

Derek F. is the son of professional boxer ‘Smokin’ Joe’ Frazier

The Big Brother 23 houseguest is the youngest of 11 from heavyweight champion and Olympic gold medalist boxer Smokin’ Joe Frazier.

Remembered as the first fighter to defeat legendary Muhammad Ali, Derek F. briefly wanted to follow his late father’s footsteps, who died in 2011, by becoming a boxer.

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Therefore, he appeared on MTV’s self-improvement reality television series Made (2013), hoping to achieve that dream. After training for four months, he lost over 50 pounds, gained closure as he wasn’t able to be with his dad in his last days, and performed well in an exhibition match.

Although it looks as though Big D hasn’t chosen to pursue boxing professionally, in his casting biography, he noted he still knows how to compete in a ring. Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS.