Gabrielle Gay is the current Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) ambassador for Barbados and is the first Barbadian to be recognised for her unique contribution to the education sector. Gay said that the experience of being recognised as the OECS ambassador was an extremely humbling experience.

“It’s honestly extremely humbling! The OECS is without doubt one of the most prestigious international institutions of regionalism, so to be recognised by them as a key global leader from a shortlist of over 250 of the best Youth Leaders worldwide is such a fulfilling achievement. And it was also on my Goals List for over a year, so when it manifested, I cried many happy tears. This is such a proud moment for the Gabrielle Gay Award for Excellence in Reading and Literacy mentorship programme,” she said.

Gay, who is a final year Bachelor of Law student at the University of The West Indies Cave Hill Campus, said despite her stellar resume, she is still shocked each time she receives correspondence that she has won an award or received ambassador status.

“It surprises me in the best way whenever it happens, because I never take any of it for granted. I believe that the minute you become complacent and settled in any sphere, that is when you lose your edge and visionary essence. Therefore, I see every win, small or big, as a wonderful surprise and blessing. I never want to get comfortable in this regard – ever,” she said.

The newly appointed ambassador of the OECS said that she is passionate about sustainable development.

“Sustainable development is by and large economic development conducted by countries and leaders, without the depletion of natural resources. I deeply believe this style of ethical societal progression is compulsory as it allows us to move forward without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. For me, that is best achieved via education, legislative and public policy change. This is the foundation of the OECS Sustainable Development Movement, so that is why I am so passionate about it,” she said.

Gay explained that as an ambassador for the OECS all ambassadors are mandated to host an event. She explained that she is hosting a virtual conference on the topic, Technology on the frontline: Is the medical arena equipped for technological progress, post-COVID 19? “We will be exploring this highly relevant and exciting new topic which will have a team of experts which include global and regional experts from the health, technology and medical sector,” she said.

Gay has a very impressive curriculum vitae as she was honoured by Queen Elizabeth II in the Queen’s Young Leaders Programme, conferred ambassadorship by the World Literacy Foundation, her programme Gabrielle Gay Award for Literacy is in countries all over the world, and she is now an OECS ambassador.

Therefore, it is no surprise that she is keen on assisting the Government of Barbados with the redevelopment of the current educational sector. “I am definitely open to working together with the government to further spearhead permanent progress in the educational, legislative and executive spaces.

Governments need the input of the youth who are in the field with the issues faced. I am always willing to partner for the greater good of humanity,” she said. Gay shared some words of encouragement to young Barbadians.

“Take time out to write each of your goals down on paper or digitally. Begin to identify individuals or entities that are aligned with those goals and then proceed from there. I am always open to offer advice and assistance, so please feel free to reach out to me on social media and follow along for motivation, and tips on building a legacy that is selfless and benefits all,” she said. To follow her OECS ambassador journey follow, and @gabriellegay on Instagram. (Write Right PR Services)

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