
Attacker in Sandy Utah gay teen bashing case gets probation – Los Angeles Blade

SANDY, Ut. – A juvenile who attacked Christian Peacock and his boyfriend Jacob Metcalf on July 30 outside Peacock’s home in Sandy, an upscale suburb of Salt Lake City, was sentenced to probation by a Salt Lake County Third Judicial District juvenile court judge.

Fox News affiliate KTSU 13 reported during Wednesday’s hearing, the judge reviewed recommendations from prosecutors and the Third Judicial District juvenile probation office to determine the next steps in the case. He ruled the teen to be low risk to the community.

“I appreciate the good report from home detention, it’s an excellent report,” said the judge. “So I am going to follow the recommendation from probation and terminate you from home detention and electronic monitoring. You’re still going to be on probation.”

The judge also ordered the minor to serve additional community service hours volunteering with LGBTQ+ groups, taking an empathy class, writing an apology letter to the victim who is now 18, and paying restitution for the material damages.

“The consequences of your actions – that’s what we deal with a lot in juvenile court is kids learning how to take responsibility for their actions and learning to think before they act,” added the judge.

The judge also ordered a December 30 review of the case with a written report from the probation office to monitor the offender’s progress and to make further determinations in the case.

Speaking to reporters outside of the courthouse after the sentence was handed down, Peacock’s mother Stefanie said; “It makes me sad that still today in 2022, kids are still going through this kind of thing. That anyone is going through anything like this, and especially that it happened to my son.”

“It has always been a very safe neighborhood,” said Kyle Peacock, Peacock’s father. “Then to have something like this happen at your home, where you’re supposed to feel safe, it just, it really riled a lot of different emotions that you didn’t know you had inside of you.”

“Be kind to others and don’t punch somebody because you don’t agree with who they are, that’s just not okay. I think it’s really important that we all keep standing up and saying this is not okay,” Stefanie Peacock added. “That we are people and everyone should be loved and accepted.”

Peacock and his boyfriend Jacob Metcalf were attacked on July 30 outside the Peacock family home

A carload of men shouting anti-gay slurs drove by as 17-year-old Christian and his boyfriend Jacob Metcalf hugged each other goodnight at the end of Christian’s driveway in Sandy, an upscale suburb of Salt Lake City. Somebody in the car shouted, “We don’t want faggots in our street.” The boys were shocked, so Jacob stayed to talk instead of going right home as planned.

The car returned about 40 minutes later, and two people jumped out. 19-year-old Hayden Stowell made lewd sexual gestures, grabbing his genitals and asking if he was making Jacob and Christian sexually aroused.

Christian told me three other people stayed in the car shouting anti-gay slurs and “hyping up” the two who jumped out.

Christian told me he was afraid they would hit Jacob, so he stepped in front of him to protect him. A 17-year-old boy (name withheld due to his age) took a half step back and punched Christian’s head, knocking him senseless and eventually landing him in the hospital with brain swelling.

Christian’s sister Jocelynn heard the commotion and ran outside. She quickly captured photo evidence, snapping the car’s license plate as it roared off. Jacob filmed part of the attack, including an admission that it was motivated by hatred of gay people.

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