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Archbishop of Canterbury has affirmed validity of 1998 church declaration that same-sex unions should not be legitimized or blessed – TDPel Media

The Archbishop of Canterbury has confirmed the legitimacy of a 1998 church proclamation that homosexual sex is ‘incompatible with scripture,’ while also stating that he will not penalize churches that hold same-sex marriages.

Justin Welby attempted to pacify conservative bishops who want to put an anti-gay marriage element into the Lambeth Conference’s formal resolution in an address to over 650 bishops.

The Global South Fellowship, which includes all African Evangelical congregations – some in countries where homosexuality is still illegal – plans to hold an unofficial poll this week to reaffirm the language of the 1998 declaration, known as Lambeth 1.10, which states that gay marriage is not tolerated by the church.

The worldwide Anglican church’s head also attempted to appease supporters of LGBTQ inclusiveness by stating that he does not have “the ability to censure or expel a church” if they conduct or bless same-sex marriages.

Mr Welby was chastised for attempting to appease both sides, with one famous Anglican stating he was ‘trying to ride two horses at the same time, which is impossible’.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby seemingly tried to placate conservative bishops from the Global South Fellowship by upholding the 1998 declaration that said 'gay sex is a sin'. Pictured: Mr Welby with bishops from around the world at the opening of the 15th Lambeth Conference last week

The conference, which first took place in 1867 and is supposed to convene once a decade, is being held for the first time in 14 years, having been postponed by the pandemic as well as fears of divisions in the church.

As part of the conference delegates were supposed to vote on the so-called Lambeth Calls but it was decided that voting on the resolution could lead to further division.

In the draft calls, published last week, the section on ‘human dignity’ stated: ‘It is the mind of the Anglican Communion as a whole that same-gender marriage is not permissible.’

The leader of the global Anglican church said he did not have the authority to stop churches from performing or blessing same-sex marriagesIn his speech yesterday, Mr. Welby reiterated his position on Lambeth 1.10, saying, ‘It is true that the entirety of Lambeth 1.10 1998 still remains.’ This Call in no way calls into question the resolution’s validity.’

‘The conventional notion of marriage is something that is recognized, accepted, and without doubt by the vast majority of the Anglican Communion,’ he added.

‘To dispute this doctrine is inconceivable for them, and in many countries would result in mockery, contempt, and even violence on the church.’

What is the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches?

The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches, formerly known as Global South, is a worldwide organization of around 25 conservative Anglican provinces.

The association claims to represent 75% of Anglicans worldwide, including Africa, South America, Asia, and Oceania.

The group presented a “resolution” to the Lambeth Conference, asking bishops to reaffirm Resolution 1.10 of the 1998 Lambeth Conference, and plans to hold an unofficial poll of bishops on the matter this week.

It also wants churches that disregard the resolutions to be sanctioned.

Pictured: Anglican primates and bishops during the sixth Global South Conference in 2016

However, he acknowledged that in some nations, challenging updated ideas on sexuality is “unthinkable,” and that “for these churches to not revise conventional doctrine undermines their very survival.”

The issue of sexuality is the most contentious throughout the 12-day summit, with the archbishops of Nigeria, Rwanda, and Uganda boycotting it because to what they regard as the communion’s leaders’ inability to take decisive action to confirm traditional teachings on the subject.

The Church of England prevents clergy from performing same-sex weddings, but the Anglican Churches of Wales and Scotland bless gay and lesbian couples, and the Episcopal Church in the United States has permitted same-sex marriage since 2015.

Jayne Ozanne, a church advocate for LGBTQ+ equality, slammed Mr Welby’s attempt to reassert the church’s orthodox attitude.

‘Archbishop @JustinWelby is attempting to ride two horses at the same time, which is impossible,’ she remarked on Twitter.

‘It would be humorous if one of the horses wasn’t attempting to stomp LGBT+ people underfoot!’

‘I am very offended that, once again, the preservation of a man-made institution has taken precedence above the safety of LGBT+ individuals.’

‘Let us be clear: Lambeth 1.10 promotes ‘conversion therapy.’

‘It is a stick with which many people over the world will continue to be beaten and suffer.’

The bishops from over 165 nations met today at Lambeth Palace in London for an environmental day.

‘It is with great pleasure that I extend my cordial welcomes as you continue your meeting at the fifteenth Lambeth Conference,’ said the Queen, who is Supreme Governor of the Church of England, in a message to the conference today.

‘As we all emerge from the epidemic, I know that the Conference is taking place at a moment when the love of God – both in word and deed – is much needed.’