To the editor:
Keeping words in the context in which they were spoken or written is very important when stating the truth.
Lawyer Erick Kardall used the phrase “fascist-style tactics” referring to the actions of the Marshall Middle School principal when she took away a petition being circulated by one of the students. The principal stated in one of her emails that she had also circulated a petition when she was a student. Why did she stop a Marshall Middle School student from doing the same?
A Public Forum writer submitted an article, “Fascists at MPS?”, choosing to describe “fascist-style tactics” at MPS as “transforming students into paramilitary cadres who will obey every word of the great leader — whoever that is while crushing all opposition.”
What is true is the chairman of the Marshall School Board and the Marshall School District superintendent (at that time) did state their opinions that the LGBTQ+ flag in the Middle School cafeteria should be removed. The Middle School principal said doing so would leave the LGBTQ+ students feeling “unsupported”. So the flag remained without showing support for the students represented by the petition, or for staff members and teachers who also opposed the flag.
There is concern for the well-being of gay, lesbian and transsexual school children, but there should also be concern for the well-being of students, staff and teachers and families who desire to serve the One “who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” How can all learners feel supported if only some receive visible support?
It is also vital that the curriculum presented in our public schools be focused on academic subjects and not the Critical Race Theory tenets included under the name of “Social Studies standards” for grades K-12. These standards are now being determined for state-wide usage.
I believe an apology is due to Erick Kaardahl, regardless of his political beliefs, and to the Concerned Citizens of Marshall for the misleading accusations stated in the “Fascists at MPS?” letter.
Trudy Madetzke