
An Open Letter to the Residents of Chester, Deep River, Essex and Haddam – CT Examiner

Here are the results, by town, of yesterday’s election (Be sure to check the “Select Election” box at
the very top.)

In my gratitude over being re-elected, I want to make a few observations. To everyone who came out to vote — you are democracy in action.

To those who sat it out — please do not wait until something — or someone — you love is gone before you realize the importance of making your voice heard. If you aren’t registered to vote, please do so — we have municipal elections in 2023 and the presidential election in 2024. Click here

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To the registrars and clerks of both parties who checked, and double-checked every vote — thank you for your integrity, and for upholding our electoral system. I know you worked long, grueling hours, and you deserve our profound appreciation.

To the advocates — especially the women-led, grassroots groups — who advocated for the Early Voting referendum question — you have helped bring Connecticut’s election laws in line with other states and you have opened the process to thousands of low-wage workers, elders, folks living with disabilities and others who can’t always show up on one certain day of the year.

To the high school students reputed to have been the ones who stole political signs (of both parties) because you wanted to send a message that politics sucks: yes, sometimes it does. But it also governs your lives, whether you like it or not. These signs are paid for with taxpayer money — the taxes you might hear your parents complain about — so next time, instead of petty theft, why not reach out to the candidates to express your frustration and to offer your valuable, young perspective? Not only would you be turning your anger into something productive, you’d be reducing your chances of getting arrested.

To the members of the GOP who put a “Republican for Palm” sign on their car — thank you for holding to your values, and for boldly letting the right wing of your party know it does not speak for you.

To everyone who chose to put another magnet on their car (veteran, anti-racist, pro- choice, free-thinker, etc.) I appreciate your willingness to stand up for your beliefs. And to the woman whose car was vandalized as a result — I deeply appreciate your bravery.

To the campaign volunteers and staff — ranging in age from 16 to 80 — you are the embodiment of democracy, hard work, grit and hope. I cannot thank you enough. Whether you began door-knocking back in June or jumped in to help during “Get Out the Vote” weekend — every move you made helped validate our electoral system’s fairness and legality.

To the young woman I met at the polls who cried over my helping her at a difficult time two years ago — you are more than welcome. Please stay in touch in case my office can help again.

To the lady who shouted in my face that I am “trash” — I am sorry you are so disappointed. Please don’t let your anger eat you up.

To everyone who believes the Jan. 6 insurrection was a peaceful demonstration, who believes masks are akin to yellow stars, that your government is out to kill you with vaccines, that the 2020 election was stolen through widespread fraud, and that teachers are “turning kids gay” — please, for heaven’s sake, get off “Truth Social” and read some authoritative sources, pay a visit to an actual school classroom or hospital, talk with a registrar of voters (of either party), and learn some history.

To my sons and husband — I am sorry for the worry and stress this election caused you. We knew this would be a bumpy ride, and I am so very grateful for your faith in me, perspective, encouragement, good advice, and elbow grease.

To those who voted for me — thank you for casting a hopeful vote for something, instead of a fearful vote against something. Your belief in science, reason, free speech, communal responsibility, environmental protection, human dignity, and the U.S. Constitution is all that will heal our nation.

To those who voted against me — I will continue to work to earn your respect. I ask only in return that you refrain from violence, cheap shots, conspiracy theories, and belief in policies (and politicians) who work against your own best interests.

And finally, to Chris Turkington — thank you for joining me in running a clean race, for your willingness to serve in elected office, for introducing your lovely children to the democratic process, and for your sense of humor. I wish you all the best.

Palm, a Democrat, is State Representative for the towns of Chester, Deep River, Essex and Haddam