KANSAS GOV. LAURA KELLY VETOES ANTI-TRANS SPORTS BAN: “This discriminatory legislation — pushed forward by state legislators in the middle of the night — has no place in the state of Kansas. This veto will prevent further discrimination against transgender kids who are simply trying to play sports with their friends,” said HRC Kansas State Director Shawn Copeland. More from Advocate, Metro Weekly and HRC.


🏑 THIS 14-YEAR-OLD TEEN ATHLETE IS LIKE ANY OTHER KID: With anti-trans laws targeting trans youth, it is kids like Rebekah (@therealrebekah) that are being harmed. Her story was featured by HRC in a video showing exactly the kind of kids that just want to play sports that GOP lawmakers are targeting. More from LGBTQ Nation.


LGBTQ SOUTH AFRICANS AND ALLIES DEMAND JUSTICE AFTER HATE CRIME WAVE: With the murders of four gay men in South Africa in less than a month, LGBTQ South Africans and their allies have taken to the streets to demand justice. More from them.

🏉 DOCUMENTARY ABOUT LGBTQ-INCLUSIVE RUGBY TEAM: In a documentary featuring the Kings Cross Steelers (@kxsrfc), a U.K. LGBTQ-inclusive rugby team, the importance of acceptance in sports and its life-saving impact is on full display. More from Gay Times (UK) and ESPN.

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