
Alleged neo-Nazi called for ‘degenerate’ gay people to be ‘purged for the greater good’, court hears – Yahoo Eurosport UK

Alleged neo-Nazi Andrew Dymock called for “degenerate” homosexuals to be purged from society, a court heard, despite telling police that he himself identifies as bisexual.

Andrew Dymock, 23, is on trial at the Old Bailey for a string of terrorism offences after allegedly promoting the neo-Nazi System Resistance Network (SRN), a banned far-right group that preaches homosexuality is a “disease”.

He’s accused of attempting to incite a British “race war” against people of colour, which included “the expulsion of all minorities”, prosecutors said.

Jurors were shown a 2017 article entitled “homosexuality: the eternal social menace”, purportedly written by Dymock, which stated that gay people “are simply degenerate and must be purged from society for the greater good”.

The court also heard that an SRN video, which prosecutors say Andrew Dymock took part in and uploaded online, shows two masked figures plastering homophobic stickers around Southampton ahead of the city’s Pride parade.

The YouTube description said that it showed a visit to the Pride route “just hours before the event started” in order to “put up some friendly flyers”.

Another SRN video which encouraged people to “join your local Nazis” depicted masked men performing Nazi salutes, and showed a pumpkin with a Swastika cut into it sitting outside a Cardiff police station.

An examination of Dymock’s computer allegedly revealed longstanding extremist views dating back to when he was aged 17, with references to fantasies of “executing f****ts”.

Dymock, who wore two LGBT+ pride pins on his lapel as he appeared in court, claimed the accusations of Nazism were at odds with his own sexuality. In multiple police interviews he denied being a Nazi and said he identifies as bisexual.

“I am bisexual but lean towards being homosexual, in direct conflict with Nazism,” he told detectives, insisting that the Nazis were “not far right”.

However, jurors were shown ample evidence of his alleged Nazi beliefs, including several books, flags, clothes, flags and badges with links to the extreme right wing.

An email address Dymock used contained the phrase Blitz8814, a reference to the well-known neo-Nazi numerical code 1488, formed of a combination of white supremacist and Nazi slogans.

Dymock told detectives: “I know 88 means Heil Hitler…but basically to me it means Hulk Hogan or Hell Hoxsa, you know the Albanian Communist guy.”

He added: “14, uh, my birthday is due on the 14th and obviously 1488 is that thing.”

Dymock denies five charges of encouraging terrorism, four counts of disseminating terrorist publications, two of funding terrorism, and one each of stirring up racial hatred, hatred based on sexual orientation, possessing a terrorist document, and possessing racially inflammatory material.

The trial continues.