Warning: House of the Dragon spoilers to follow.
When we sat down to watch the highly-anticipated House of the Dragon premiere on HBO, we expected “the usual” for anything in the Game of Thrones universe: violence; political intrigue; men freaking out about their (lack of) male heirs—and we got that stuff. But we also got a very pleasant surprise: OVERWHELMING QUEER VIBES—specifically, from Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and her best friend Alicent Hightower, daughter of Hand of the King Otto Hightower.
While the first episode primarily established the rivalry between Rhaenyra and her uncle Daemon Targaryen—both of whom will (presumably) vie for the throne after King Viserys’ festering wound does its thing—we couldn’t stop focusing on the relationship between Rhaenyra and Alicent, which seemed low-key—nay, high-key—romantic, if you ask us. The way Rhaenyra lay on Alicent’s lap in the Godswood and told her she’d like to fly around the world with her on a dragon and “eat only cake”! The way they clutched each other’s hands during the tournament! The way Alicent helped Rhaenyra get dressed in sensual, dim lighting! Plus, Rhaenyra has made it clear that she rejects the traditional roles of highborn Westerosi women, who are expected to marry powerful men and produce heirs.
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We weren’t the only ones who detected a certain ~longing~ between Rhaenyra and Alicent. On Twitter, House of the Dragon fans pointed out the seeming chemistry between the two, er, “best friends.”
But what will actually become of Alicent and Rhaenyra’s relationship on House of the Dragon?
Those familiar with Fire & Blood, the book that inspired House of the Dragon, already know the answer, but the rest of us will have to wait and see how the show plays out.
For now, here’s how actress Olivia Cooke described her character, Alicent, in an interview with ComicBook.com:
“[Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower are] best, best, best childhood friends. And there’s a deep, intense love there that can only happen when you have your first best friend and they mirror you so intrinsically, but then they’re the complete opposite of you as well. My father, he’s the Hand of the King, and his political ambitions know no end. And so when Rhaenyra’s mother dies, the queen dies, he sees that as an incredible opportunity and, unfortunately, I’m forfeit.”
Sigh. Sounds like we won’t see Rhaenyra and Alicent riding off on a dragon and eating cake any time soon. We’re probably just desperate for a sapphic Westerosi romance after Game of Thrones so rudely interrupted that Yara Greyjoy/Ellaria Sand hookup with a surprise naval attack.
Jordyn Taylor is the Deputy Editor of Content at Men’s Health. She’s covered health, wellness, fitness, and lifestyle since 2013, and has previously worked as a reporter and editor at Mic and the New York Observer.
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