Alabama Rep. Neil Rafferty has a tough job being the only openly gay member of the state legislature in a state that largely opposes LGBTQ rights, including gay marriage. Even so, he sees his position as an opportunity to educate his colleagues who may not be as informed on these issues.

“I felt it was part of my duty to, not just as a representative who represents all the people in my district, but also as an LGBTQ member who has experienced a lot of these similar kinds of things,” Rafferty said during an Facebook Live newscast last week.

Rafferty, a former U.S. Marine Corps corporal, was elected in 2018 to represent District 54, replacing another openly gay politician, former state Rep. Patricia Todd. He won by a landslide — a 90% majority.

“(Todd) was the one that really broke through that glass ceiling, if you will … and kind of made it where it became a little bit more acceptable,” he said.

Running for state legislature was a matter of personal importance for Rafferty.

“I know that when she was stepping down, I was getting a little nervous,” he said. “I was afraid of losing that LGBTQ voice down there. And it’s ultimately one of the reasons why I decided to step up and throw my hat in the ring.”

With the introduction of bills that directly impact the LGBTQ people of Alabama, Rafferty has made it his responsibility to speak for his community. One bill he references is HB1, a bill that would have meant physicians would face felony charges if they provide gender-affirming treatments to transgender and nonbinary minors under age 19. Such treatment includes hormone blockers, testosterone, estrogen and transition surgeries.

The bill did not pass, as it was stalled on the House floor.

“It was a tough job, particularly because the trans issues, while they’re not new in the grand scope of human history or the experience of human diversity, I would say that it is new to some people here in Alabama,” Rafferty said.

Another bill he referenced was HB391, which was signed into law by Governor Kay Ivey in April. It bans transgender public school students from playing on sports teams for the gender that they identify as.

“This bill had a lot of that kind of covert messaging where the Republicans were trying to say that is to protect women and girls,” Rafferty said. “But then, I have colleagues who have daughters who play sports who said this has never been an issue. It’s never been brought up. So why are we making a law to pass something that’s not even a real problem?”

With his military status, Rafferty also has a focus on legislation protecting veterans.

“One big issue to me is veteran suicide,” he said. “This is something that has affected me personally. I’ve lost more friends now from suicide than I have from combat or any other kind of service-related injury, which is a tough fact to kind of swallow when you really want to think about it.”

To help this cause, Rafferty submitted a bill to create a task force on veterans’ suicides which passed in May 2019.

“We need to take care of those who bore the battle,” he said.

In celebration of Pride Month, Rafferty will be attending Pridefest, organized by Central Alabama Pride, June 12. The event is taking place at 41st Street South at Third Avenue South, Birmingham.

“We’ll be walking down the street, and it’ll be a fun outdoor festival, and it will be family-friendly,” he said “Come on down to the District 54 and celebrate Pride with us.”