Home Science Academic Achiever of the Week: Noah Groves – WTAP

Academic Achiever of the Week: Noah Groves – WTAP


MARIETTA, Ohio (WTAP) – “Most people would probably describe me as very ambitious and very motivated,” says Noah Groves.

Noah Groves is a junior at Marietta High School who has a love for history and says he has a 3.9 GPA.

“I try very hard for my grades. Because I believe that it’s important and that it will benefit me later on in life,” says Groves.

Groves is someone who stays very active, even outside of the classroom.

From playing violin to working with campaigns involving Ohio Republican Party chairperson, Jane Timken and Ohio Sixth District Congressman, Bill Johnson.

Groves also started the Gay-Straight Alliance at his high school to help stop bullying.

And his club is raising funds for the Trevor Project, which is a group focused on suicide awareness.

“There has been a huge rise in suicide amongst teenagers over the last two decades. It’s really quite awful,” says Groves. “Most teenagers, statistically speaking, have experienced that type of phase at one point in their life. And they really don’t have anyone to talk to and the Trevor Project is a means to end that. And help raise awareness to teachers involved and help stop this evil that’s in our society.”

Groves aspires to go to Vanderbilt University or an Ivy League school.

And he wants to major in political science and then go into law school to become a lawyer.

“I have some lawyers in my family myself,” says Groves. “And, you know, a lot of people I find want to go to law school and earn a lot of money. That is never the case with me. I always love law. Even if lawyers made just as much as everybody else, I would still pick it.”

Groves says he still has areas to grow but wants to improve his communication.

“I think that anyone could be able to improve upon their ability to communicate and learn discuss with people,” says Groves. “It’s such a valuable thing. And in a time of polarization, I think that it’s not valued enough.”