COVID-19 has forced many HIV conferences and panel discussions to move online—which means you can attend more of them regardless of where you live. Case in point: The Latino Gay/Bi Men’s Health Rally is now a virtual event kicking off Monday, November 9.

You are invited to the NYC Latino Gay/Bi Men’s Health Rally 2020!

Posted by Latino Commission on AIDS on Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Spearheaded by the Hispanic Health Network, this year’s rally includes two panel discussions. “HIV Stigma and COVID-19” takes place at 1 p.m. ET Monday, November 9. According to the rally’s website, “panelists will share and discuss information about the importance of U=U in the times of COVID-19, how U=U is used to combat stigma and barriers to reach an undetectable viral load. They will also discuss how COVID-19 has impacted Latinx Gay/Bi Men’s Communities and HIV-related stigma connected to U=U. During this panel, speakers will explore the role of religion to interrupt stigma.”

U=U stands for Undetectable Equals Untransmittable, which refers to the fact that people living with HIV who maintain a suppressed viral load cannot transmit HIV via sex, even when condoms are not used.

The second virtual panel, “Strengthening of the Latinx Gay/Bi Men’s Communities,” is scheduled for 1 p.m. ET, Tuesday, November 10. “The panelists will discuss racism colorism, machismo and heteronormativity in Hispanic/Latinx communities,” according to the website. “Panelists will also touch upon how to address these issues through diversity acceptance. Panelists will talk about the impact of Black Lives Matter on the Hispanic/Latinx communities and the importance of developing leadership to strengthen communities for a healthier future.”

You can register for both events and read speaker bios on the Rally 2020 site.

An image from the Zero Transphobia Campaign 2020Courtesy of the Latino Commission on AIDS

Just a few days later, November 15 to 20 marks the Week Against Transphobia, a Latino-focused initiative to educate about bias against transgender and gender-nonconforming people. Available in Spanish and English, the event is supported by the Hispanic Health Network and the Oasis Latino L.G.B.T.S. Wellness Center, a program of the Latino Commission on AIDS that operates two locations in New York City.

The video above is from last year’s Zero Transphobia campaign and shares “Five Things to Never Ask a Transgender Person.”

The theme of this year’s Zero Transphobia campaign is “Protect, Support and Celebrate.” According to the Latino Commission on AIDS, events throughout the awareness week include:

  • Monday, November 16, 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET: Opening and launching of the Campaign 
  • Tuesday, November 17, 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET: Short Live Interview: Protect
  • Wednesday, November 18, 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET: Short Live Interview: Support
  • Thursday, November 19, 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET: Short Live Interview: Celebrate

You can register for the webinars and learn more about each discussion topic at the appropriate links above.

Transgender individuals, especially trans women of color, are at higher risk of contracting HIV. For more details, see “National Transgender HIV Testing Day 2020.” Members of this community also face higher rates of violence and discrimination. The Week of Zero Transphobia leads up to the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, which is observed each November 20 and is a time to contemplate those killed as a result of transphobia. To read about last year’s event, click here.

In related news, read “Speaking With a Collective Voice,” a POZ profile on new grassroots HIV network LatinX+. Check out “Meth and HIV Among Gay and Bi Latino Men [VIDEOS].” And don’t miss “Boys From Brazil,” a Q&A with young adult author Luca Rocha about his universal tale of HIV, romance, friendship and fun.