The ‘Say Gay’ themed Pride parade brought thousands of people together, celebrating individuality, self-expression, and being comfortable with who they are. Local organizations, activists, and business representatives marched and drove down Palm Canyon Dr., supporting the LGBTQ-plus community. “There’s everybody in anybody LGBTQ plus, we love it all, and our straight allies as well,” said Bella Da Ball, a social ambassador and one of the Main stage Host of Pride. “I think we need some pride right now,” said Alotapaine, an Oscar’s Palm Springs local performer.

 “Let’s say gay, and let’s show the world that we are regular normal, fabulous people,” said Da Ball. 

A tourist named Robert Hernandez came to Palm Springs Pride for the first time to support his son. He has a message for parents of children that want to come out: “To support and love that person as much as you can, as much as you will always love that person,” said Robert Hernandez. He said his son was in the parade, and he can’t wait to come back next year. He plans to get a better seat.

Some business owners like Sir Tim found a creative way of spreading awareness. A local business owner said he passed out two hundred “Say Gay” designed fans, so they were floating around pride events all weekend.

“The latest pride flag that incorporates trans, nonbinary as well as people of color into the standard six-color pride flag, we put it into a relief into a bullseye,” said Sir Tim, a Cathedral City business owner. “And the whole message is ‘Say Gay.’ So what we’re trying to get people to do is figure out how do you say gay.”

“I think people should have the freedom to live as they please and just be happy and express themselves for who they are,” said Jada Brown, traveling nurse. “Even in the most conservative person. They’ll bring some little piece that expresses who they really are. I think that’s magnificent,” said Alotapaine, a local performer.