Meet Michael Lawson, a fabulous gay real estate agent living a stylish upscale life in New York City. Then his partner of 17 years dumps him, and things become very un-fabulous very quickly.
Michael and his adventures in sudden singledom are the subject of “Uncoupled,” the new Netflix series co-created by Darren Star (“Sex and the City”) and Jeffrey Richman (“Modern Family”). Because Michael is played by the charming Neil Patrick Harris, it’s easy to root for him and his happiness.
Rooting for “Uncoupled” is a bit trickier.
With just eight episodes, each clocking in at 30 minutes or less, “Uncoupled” aims for the slick, snappy vibe of such signature Star projects as “Younger” and “Emily in Paris.” Attractive people having witty meltdowns in art galleries and penthouse apartments! What’s not to love and binge-watch?
After watching five fitfully entertaining episodes, I would say the answer to that is, “Not enough.”
The series kicks off on the day Michael is throwing an extravagant surprise 50th-birthday bash for his significant other, a buttoned-up hedge-fund manager named Colin (Tuc Watkins, “One Life to Live”). Colin is not too thrilled about his milestone, but Michael is way too wrapped up in his party-planning to notice. Within a few quickly sketched scenes, he’ll be all caught up.
Thanks to the series’ heads-up title, the break-up won’t come as a shock. But “Uncoupled” is in such a rush to send Michael off into the hook-up wilderness, it has Colin breaking the news at the most obvious time in the least imaginative way possible. Michael doesn’t see it coming, but you will. And there are more non-surprises to come.
Does Michael have a one best pal with a thing for much-younger men and one who spends Friday nights alone, posting photos of his single-man dinners on Instagram? He does. Is his big office rival a catty gay rich kid named Tyler? It is.
And when Michael’s new rich-lady client shares her divorce story with him, does it involve her husband leaving her for his Pilates instructor? Oh, yes.
From big plot points to little character details, an awful lot about “Uncoupled” seems a draft or two away from being done. We aren’t supposed to be on Team Colin, but it’s hard to get worked up over Michael’s breakup when his other half has no discernible personality. Colin left? How could he tell?
Then there is Michael’s job, which is a great excuse for “Uncoupled” to indulge in some real estate porn but leaves a lot to be desired in the emotional-fulfillment department. When a key part of your hero’s journey hinges on getting a real-estate listing, that hero needs a new itinerary.
And while “Uncoupled” appears to be set in the present — lack of COVID-19 notwithstanding — many of the references are surprisingly dated.
Michael and Colin met at the Limelight nightclub, which was way out of fashion by the mid 1990s, long before they locked eyes on the dancefloor. Michael and his work partner, Suzanne (Tisha Campbell, “Empire”), go to a new-age “healer” who seems straight out of a “Seinfeld” episode. There’s a Rip Van Winkle joke and a Charlie Rose punchline. What year is this, anyway?
Given the year it is and our collective need for escapist television, “Uncoupled” is not a total wash. As a man forced out of the domestic cocoon and into the world of below-the-waist selfies and Grindr “dates,” Harris is convincingly panicked and vulnerable.
With its clunky mix of streaming-service raunch and profanity and network-TV sentimentality, “Uncoupled” has some major tonal issues, but Harris handles the wild mood swings like the pro he is. You might have trouble believing the show, but Harris will make you want to try.
Emerson Brooks (from the “MacGyver” reboot), Brooks Ashmanskas (“The Good Wife”), and Campbell offer warm, sturdy support as Michael’s mismatched best friends, particularly in the later, better episodes. And any time Harris joins up with the divine Marcia Gay Harden as Claire, the diva divorcee, the show’s grinding gears suddenly click into place, and “Uncoupled” starts to feel like the the sly, smart romp it wants to be.
It’s good to see a gay leading man in the spotlight, but that doesn’t make “Uncoupled” great. Here’s to the people who just might make it worth watching.
“Uncoupled” starts streaming today on Netflix.