Gay love gets its Hollywood ending | Movies | – Santa Fe New Mexican
Near the beginning of Bros, a gay romantic comedy co-written by and starring Billy Eichner, his character Bobby Leiber lays out the stakes: “Love is love is love?” he asks in the incredulous bark Eichner perfected in his hit show Billy on the Street. “No, it’s not.” Gay friendships are different, he explains. So are gay sex lives and relationships.
And so begins a movie that endeavors to capture the vagaries and absurdities of contemporary gay life. Implicit in this exercise is that real gay life is raunchier and more sexualized than heterosexual people might be comfortable with: They’re happy to pat themselves on the back as they cheer for gay marriage, but when it comes to the sex part of same sex, “straight people,” as the movie repeatedly calls them, would prefer to look the other way.