
Ganahl Campaigns With Anti-LGBTQ Pundit Who Opposes Gay Marriage – Colorado Times Recorder

On the campaign trail last weekend, Colorado GOP governor candidate Heidi Ganahl posed for a photo with anti-LGBTQ troll Matt Walsh.

Walsh has equated being gay with pedophilia while arguing that same-sex marriage will allow for the legalization of incest.

Walsh’s recent targeting of hospitals that provide health care for transgender patients led to so many threats and harassment that clinics were forced remove information about the programs from their websites.

Heidi Ganahl, Matt Walsh and Rebekah Meurer, a maximum donor and volunteer with the Ganahl campaign

On his YouTube Channel, The Matt Walsh Show, Walsh claimed that gay marriage cannot exist, stating, “Marriage, by definition, is an in-principle procreation between a man and a woman …. that’s it.” 

He elaborated, attacking the marriage of the Secretary of Transportation and first openly gay cabinet member confirmed by the Senate, Pete Buttigieg: “My relationship with my wife has the potential to create new human beings, and yours doesn’t.”

Earlier in 2015, Walsh disregarded gay marriage as “not an essential or true institution” in an article titled “Yes, Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally”, writing that he believed same-sex unions should not be recognized or protected.

Walsh also came under fire after the release of the teaser trailer of the newest “The Little Mermaid,” as he made racist objections to the casting of the first Black live-action Disney princess.

A Ganahl donor and campaign team member Rebekah Muerer, who also posed with Walsh at the fundraising event for a religious school, posted the photo to a Ganahl campaign Facebook group with the caption, “Busy day on the campaign trail yesterday! The excitement for Heidi is growing. Had a wonderful time in El Paso County and ended the day at a school fundraiser with Matt Walsh.”

Ganahl’s opponent, incumbent Gov. Polis is the first openly gay Governor in America’s history and continues to advocate for LGBTQ rights.

Earlier this year, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) announced its endorsement of Colorado Governor Jared Polis for re-election. 

HRC Interim President Joni Madison released a statement of support on April 11: “He made history as the first openly gay man elected governor in the United States in 2018 and has worked to advance the rights of LGBTQ+ Coloradans throughout his governorship.”

Gov. Polis issued a statement of response, writing “The Human Rights Campaign is helping to lead our country to a stronger future where all people are treated equally. I am honored to receive their endorsement.” 

He continued, “As the nation’s first openly gay Governor, I know that representation matters, and so does fighting hard for an inclusive home with abundant opportunities where all Coloradans thrive. I am committed to ensuring that LGBTQ+ Coloradans can live openly and with dignity in every aspect of life. As we work hard to earn the support of voters this year, I am grateful to have HRC in my corner.”

The Human Rights Committee also campaigned with CO Sen. Michael Bennet this weekend, who is running for reelection this November.

Erik Maulbetsch contributed to this article.