Popular Gospel artiste Sebastian Magacha has come out guns blazing to rubbish rumours that he has taken to drugs and has developed romantic attraction for men.
In a lengthy post making rounds on social media, Magacha blasted fellow Christians for being judgemental.
”Handina kumboziva hangu kuti mapfekero angu akashata uyezve kuti ndatovangochani nekudakwe hembe dzangu [I didn’t know the way I dress is bad and that it has made me a homosexual]
“Handina kumboziva kuti Energy yandinayo nekufara kwandinoyita zvirikureva kuti ndakuyita zvema Drugs, Mbanje,etc. [I never knew that the energy and happiness I exhibit on stage is an indication that I’m abusing drugs, marijuana, etc],” said Magacha.
He added, “all l ever wanted was and is to Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ… but it looks like machristu akawanda ndisu tinodzikisirana nekuda kusimukira nekutsika vamwe, tirikuvengana nekusarudzana nechikonzero chema Churches atinobva, saka Mwari watirikunamata wacho ndeupi?”
Magacha also revealed that he has now developed a bias to work with secular artistes in order to avoid drama with fellow Gospel singers who are complicated to work with.
“A lot of people asked me this Question why do l like to collaborate with Secular musician?? Here is the answer. They are not complicated…they are easy to work with and l will keep doing that!!”
Meanwhile, Magacha was recently making headlines after he had a rude awakening at his album launch ceremony which took place in the capital.
Magacha was launching I Am Favoured supported by Mambo Dhuterere, Zimpraise, Mudiwa Hood, Tinashe Magacha, Mathias Mhere and Dorcas Moyo.
However, Magacha’s choice of venue came back to haunt him as it emerged that he is no longer as big a star as he used to be a couple of years ago. There were more empty seats than those that were occupied at Harare International Conference Centre.
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