Congressman Eric Swalwell
We here at Dallas Voice know a little bit about what it’s like to be harassed by “gay conservatives.” Just keep an eye on the comments on different blogs on our post to see what I mean (and keep in mind that we delete the nastiest, most homophobic, most transphobic and most racist comments).
But having said that, I have to admit that we have not gotten harassment and threats on this level:
U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell, the straight, married Democrat representing California’s 15th congressional district, this week announced on Twitter that he had received a telephoned death threat from a man claiming to be a gay conservative, according to a report by Bil Browning for LGBTQ Nation.
“A staffer of mine — who’s 1 month into her job — received a call from a man saying he’s coming to our office w/ an assault rifle to kill me. I hesitate to share this but how else do I tell you we are in violent times, & the architects are Trump & [House Minority Leader Kevin] McCarthy,” Swalwell tweeted Tuesday, Aug. 30. “Bloodshed is coming.”
According to a memo filed after the incident, the caller ranted about “gay issues,” telling the intern that “he is a gay man, but he doesn’t take it up the ass he gives it.”
The memo on the incident also noted that the caller “made a statement saying he will come to the office, or to wherever he is to hurt him. He will bring guns (AR-15s) to kill him and f*ck him up.”
The memo, which Swalwell posted on his Twitter feed, says the man gave his name and that he called a second time, at which time the intern was able to get “a minute 30 second recording of him using the f slur after he made the threat.”
Swalwell’s staff was also able to get the man’s phone number. No word on what, if any, action has been or will be taken against the caller.
— Tammye Nash